@failures art,
Quote:Faith is believing in that building in the middle of a park, going there, not finding a building, and then rejecting your experience to maintain a belief that the building MUST exist.
Are you say the building cant exist because you have never made a mistake or that you have been to the only park ?
Quote:If I'm not presented with a good case, then I remain unconvinced. That's not an active belief in unbelieving.
Faith demands that you have no proof. Religious people have no proof of God existing. Aetists have no proof that God does not exist. To decide either way takes faith. Neither is provable. The only position that is justifiable is agnostic.
Quote:Quote:Skepticism does not involve an attack on others. That is the power of belief.
Show me a definition of belief that includes this.
You have made an error of logic. No definition of belief includes what it CAN do.
But here is a definition anyway :
belief (bɪˈliːf) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
1. a principle, proposition, idea, etc, accepted as true
2. opinion; conviction
3. religious faith
4. trust or confidence, as in a person or a person's abilities, probity, etc
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
So how is the acceptance of the proposition that God does not exist not a belief ?
Quote:Really? Interesting. See now you've created a dilemma for yourself. You spoke earlier about some group (I called them "Pandas") of people who cannot be convinced in the existence of god. You talked about the faith they needed to maintain such a position. You now claim to accept that your non-belief in unicorns is faith based, and yet you also acknowledge a whole planet of them could exist?
So if your faith assertion on atheists holds that they take a stance where they cannot be convinced of the existence of gods, how is it different from your unicorn faith? You imply directly that they could exist immediately after saying that you have faith they don't exist.
Please be serious or our conversation is at an end. I will assume you are not very clever as the only alternative to that paragraph is you are just dicking around. So I will explain....Whether something does or does not exist in an infinite universe requires faith either way, because if you manage to construct a space ship and find one you have proof, but not finding one in an infinite universe also requires faith that they do not exist. Having not found one but believing they exist also requires faith.
You're all over the place.
Quote:I'm speaking to the notion that the skepticism in something is an active belief. If it was, there is an infinite number of things to occupy our heads.
How can you have skepticism about everything if not by an active belief ?
Quote:However, there are a limited number of stories, and the more that are found to be false, the less and less convincing the claim of a specific god becomes.
Stories of a God have been filtered by people. Finding fault with people does not disprove God. Perhaps you are referring to the city of Troy when you say stories have been proven to be false.
Quote:There are plenty of people who will accept god, but also claim there is not enough knowledge to prove it.
They are theists who are recognising the faith it requires to believe either way. They are not agnostics. Agnostics would be happy to go either way if they could find faith in one way or the other.
Quote:No. I'm saying it requires no special process to deny god. It's natural.
It also requires no special process to accept God. It's natural. It is the same process, faith.
Quote:Quote:You have a labeling system and it prioritises things. Some are prioritised as "not in this geographical area".
I don't know what you are referencing here.
The mind of my cat is not concerned with rolling around on the grass in the backyard because it can hear a dog but knows it is not in this area. You are living without God and you see no reason to accept God into your priority based system. Ever heard the expression there are no atheists in a fox hole ?