@reasoning logic,
Quote:I can only guess you had some sort of bad experience from them.
Not at all. I most closely identify with science from atheists than I do with stupidity from theists. I can see why atheists are bitter sometimes, religion does not have a perfect track record.
How ever atheists are often as stupid as the religious nutters they like to hold up for display. Many atheists criticise religion yet have very little knowledge of science as the alternative. Nazism and communism are examples of atheism taken to extremes. Really stupid things are said, like all wars are caused by religion and so much crap it is just difficult to not see these atheists as identical to the religious nutters, they just have different beliefs.
I think the corrupt popes, witch trials and other failings of religion is more about the mentally ill and atheists than it is about religion. I have known some very fine people who were religious. Their love of humanity and gentle spirit I see as being truly religious....not these whackos with a grade 5 education trying to argue very bad science. But that type are on both sides of the fence and you never hear boo about them on the atheist side. I aim to correct that.