I have a cousin and her husband that mean a lot to me. The way we deal with stuff, ever so maturely - I say sarcastically, is that, given we know all our multiple disagreements, we are by now glad each other are alive and kicking. Well, to be truthful, I'm not sure they fully get just how horrible I am, nor that I get just how fulminating right plus religious they are (he used to be a john birtcher, for example). I base my ability to go with this on my cousin's basic goodness (she rode to the cause back in the day in Mississippi, that plus many actions in the rest of her life.). Plus they both have accumulated wisdom - not that they agree with me more, but that there is some mutual acceptance going on.
So, to me, whom you all know as a dolt re computers and things like 'the cloud', although not entirely internet stupid (that's my ex, he still uses AOL) the whole thing of chain letters and a million not very cute jokes is a subject of concern.
I lost an acquaintance once from remonstrating with her about listing me among dozens of people on emails sans bcc. I suppose tone matters though I was trying to be nicey.
Alternately, I've helped a few catch on to how to use that.
I never respond to chain ****.
I told the cousins separately not to send me political jokes.
I actually like political jokes if they're good, from whatever side, but the swath was too much. A pal has the opposite tact, and engages with jokes back, but I don't want to go there.
So, Oylok, you have to figure out where you fall on all this, and then just say so.