I don't know if you're reading Fuller right here. He's talking about forces of nature, not the products of those forces. An apple is released from the branch, it doesn't travel upward before coming to rest on the ground. It doesn't translate laterally first on some elective recreational whim. It only abides by the forces applied. There is no extra frills.
So if you mean to inspect the cheetah and the antelope (apples), the inspection of evolution (gravity) and it's economy is demonstrated not by how fast these creatures travel. The apple falls and hits the ground. This is the product of the forced applied to it. These animals run fast. A product of evolution.
If nature would be more efficient by having a designer draw in a speed limit, then would it be more efficient to have a designer pushing the apple to the earth?
The cheetah is only represents the apple in free fall. There is no end point, only forces guiding it in transition. If being fast is something that makes it of greater fitness, then a designer might be an efficient means to an end. However what defines fit changes. So the designer would have to be constantly redesigning the cheetah and the antelope. Constantly examining the tolerances. That is not efficiency. Better to have a simple force to drive the process.
Think about software, something that
is designed. Would it not be more efficient if the software wrote itself and was always optimized for individual users? Of course! No amount of software programmers could ever keep up with the programming demand for every user. That's why software is Generic. There is not a Windows 7 Thomas and a Windows 7 Art. If there was, nature would have been it's author.
acid shield*