Hey - yeah on the job hunt, but nothing to write home about. I went ahead and accepted a part time Instructional Assistant position, because I can't bear to wait at least another month on my credentialing. So, if money is my main concern, I'm screwed; but truthfully, I am happy that my foot is in a door (They told me they want to talk about teaching there once my credentialing comes through - but who knows when a slot will open...) Also, I'll have professional, local references and contacts in the school system (awesome!)...and probably, most important for me - I am in the classroom - teaching and learning without being completely responsible for four/five classes a day right out of the gate. THIS is what I'm so thankful for. OJT. Thanks for asking.
Re the other stuff: I would say that, just like a writer who wants to "show" rather than "tell" - who is striving for such a strong metaphor that his point is crystal clear - likening belief in God and belief in another figure society trains us to believe in, but we outgrow, is a very tempting device. Not meant to hurt, but to closely represent.
Anyway, I think you might have some agnostics here, who could entertain the subject as thoughtfully and sensitively as possible, but I think ultimately the believer would be insulted. I mean, I tripped all over myself just trying to hammer this little bit out, in deference to you...and then at the end of it, I feel I've backspaced and watered down so much that it doesn't even bear replying. Trying to "control offense," while a very worthy goal - sometimes means not honestly or effectively communicating.
Remember, I used to be a believer and I thought the heart of the agnostic argument insulted my intelligence - no matter how nicely it's wrapped.
Nice bumping into you. Hope you and yours are warm and happy.