BillRM wrote:
Quote:This is true BECAUSE of the effects of the Civil War 1861-5.
That was not true b4 the Civil War.
Wrong the decisions of the Supreme Court that result the National Government being supreme date back many decades before the civil war and President Jackson even threaten the used of Federal Forces to collect taxes in South Caroline with the support of Congress many decades before the Civil War.
As far as New York reserving the right to leave the union I question if the courts would had declare that a valid right either and once more the constitution is what the courts said it is not what you think it is and that had always been the case.
Once we had torn up the Article of Conferation we was one nation and that the only way it could had work.
Thinking otherwise is fantasy.
I notice that u did not comment on my reference
to us being trapped in the
UN if we chose to leave it.
Again, it is clear that the joining, ratifying states
did not consider membership in the union to be necessarily a one-way trip;
i.e., thay made it plain that thay 'd not join if thay coud not get out freely.
Without the help of the Northern states, like the NY
that boldly defended its right to depart freely from the union,
when it joined that union, the federal government woud have had no hope
of subjugating the South.
I welcome your opinion (or anyone 's opinion) on this point;
MY estimation, a dispassionate analysis of the Constitution,
particularly with its 10th Amendment, leads to an honest judgment
that the states did
not relinquish their right to leave the union
independently, if so thay chose, the same way that when we joined
UN, we did not lock ourselves in permanently, against our will.
Let me put it this way:
if the Founders had included a provision in the Constitution
that any ratifying state was permanently locked in and that it relinquished
any right to leave the union: the Constitution woud have had
NO CHANCE of getting ratified.
In the end: might defines right. The winners write the history.
We citizens can still read
and make our own judgments qua what to believe.