well, I did my economics first. ( We usually get caught up in the romance of some kind of farming adventure and then discover later that it takes more effort and cash than I recouped in a crop year)
My contacts at Penn State gave me some " net returns per acre'. The numbers for the better hops like "Cascade' "Amarillo" or "Centennial" can give a net return of about 6K an acre. I can make about 3700$ per acre by being the "patron" of a tobcco operation nd, were I to do all the wprk and seeding nd cultivating, my return would be about 8K an acre.
Hops doesn't appear to be as desirable as Id thought.
My earlier ideas of growing ginseng under a cover of PAwlonia trees is a lot more profitable nd Ive already started a 10cre plot of pawlonia.