The Bah! Humbug! Christmas thread.

Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 12:25 pm
yeah dys.

I've been sitting here thinking, and I can't recall any xmas that I could truly call a good one.
Oh...a good part here and a nice part there, but no more than what would happen on any given day anyway.

This past year has been very challenging to me. There's been more than one time I've just wanted to give up and through in the towel.
I guess the only reason I haven't is that I have no idea what that means.

I do know that every bit of trust I have so painstakingly opened myself to over my lifetime has turned on me to stab me in my soul.

This xmas means no more to me than the fact that it is next Friday. The one saving grace is that on the 2 occassions this month I would have been called upon to show any holiday spirit I was either out of the state, or otherwise not available.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 01:53 pm
William Butler Yeat's The Second Coming.

TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Please have snow and mistletoe?

Snow can be dangerous, as in Virginia, and mistletoe is a parasite.

My daughter is snowed in, so I guess I'll spend Christmas alone.

Bah! Humbug

Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 02:04 pm
One of the very many good bits about choosing not to have children is, we can choose to not have Christmas as well. We talked about it, and decided to leave the pesky fake tree and decorations in the shed this year.

And happily, relatives are too far away to cause us any trouble.

We'll open a few presents, and buy presents for the pets, and have a delightful Christmas!
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 03:13 pm
Aw crap, lost the post......
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:16 pm
Not the bah humbug you were looking for but I feel your angst having lived it myself.

Take care and be merry.

Thank you, boomerang. For a while there I was feeling rather like A2K's resident malcontent. Embarrassed Wink

And then one day it hit me -- he wasn't sad, we were. He'd just forgotten. It wasn't anything personal.

That's a good way to approach the situation. I'll try to do that this time.

But the thing is, it was never exactly a "good" relationship with my mother & me, even before the onset of Alzheimer's. It wasn't what you'd call a "close" relationship. (Her closest relationship was with my sister, who has visited her about 3 times since installing her in the aged care facility. Neutral ) So I find the pressure of being it, the sole remaining immediate family member, a bit excruciating. Especially when she keeps introducing me as her sister, to the staff! I try my best, but it's hard & it's a bit weird, really. Luckily for me, my niece (who has had a much better relationship with my mother) will be there, too. That certainly helps! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:23 pm
Oy msolga. I don't even know where to start, I'm thinking that in my 65 years I've had 1 xmas I enjoyed. That was a happenstance when I happened to spend xmas with my grandparents on their farm in the USA. .... I was about 10 yrs old. EVERY other xmas was shear hell.

Ah. My commiserations, dys. I think I do know what you mean!

This year Lady Diane and meself will have Osso here for steak and baked potatos with dessert of Diane made apple pie. It will be nice and we will miss not having Roger here this year.

Very Happy That sounds good! I'd love to spend the day like this myself! But why is Roger deserting you this time?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:24 pm
Chipmunks roasting on an open fire . . .

That's the spirit, doggy person! Very Happy

Please continue ....
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:33 pm
snot runs down a drippy nose...

(commiserating, msO)
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:35 pm
This past year has been very challenging to me. There's been more than one time I've just wanted to give up and through in the towel.
I guess the only reason I haven't is that I have no idea what that means.

I do know that every bit of trust I have so painstakingly opened myself to over my lifetime has turned on me to stab me in my soul.

This xmas means no more to me than the fact that it is next Friday. The one saving grace is that on the 2 occassions this month I would have been called upon to show any holiday spirit I was either out of the state, or otherwise not available.

I had no idea that it had been quite such a tough year for you, chai. I'm very sorry to hear it.

Tell you what: when I return from my ordeal on Christmas evening, I'm going to drink a toast to you. A nice chilled glass of Sav blanc. I'll be wishing a much, much gentler & kinder 2010 for you. Those good feelings that you'll suddenly feel washing over you you will have arrived via the southern hemisphere! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:37 pm
I was thinking today I would like to send my parents a xmas card, the thing is all I know is that they live in a medically staffed apartment complex somewhere in south denver. I have no address. Now I suppose many of you readers could say "I'm sure you could find their address if you wanted to" and that's true, on the other hand the fact that they (meaning my father) has not informed me of where they live for several years so I assume he is not interested in hearing from me. My mother is (so I've been told) in final state alzheimers.
My only living brother who lives in San Diego has had much of his brain removed via 6 brain surgeries and is essentially incapacitated.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:43 pm
Please have snow and mistletoe?

Snow can be dangerous, as in Virginia, and mistletoe is a parasite.

My daughter is snowed in, so I guess I'll spend Christmas alone.

Bah! Humbug

Bah Humbug, indeed, Letty! Sad
That's such a shame your daughter can't be with you. I know it's really important to you.

OK, I'm gonna have to do another toast on Christmas evening! This one will be for you, Letty. I will be thinking of you. Smile

Thank you for the poem!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:46 pm
Aw crap, lost the post......

Oh bugger, k!

I do hope you find it again! Smile

0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:48 pm
snot runs down a drippy nose...

(commiserating, msO)

Thank you, possum. Much appreciated!

And what about your Christmas, hmmmm?

Anything you'd care to whinge, moan, or complain about? Even little complaints are ok! Wink
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:49 pm
prolly best not to get me started.

Ima go make a ham for gram on the day.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:50 pm
If little complaints are OK, Christmas cards are worrying me too (they were mentioned already). I have this stack, but have decided not to do the form letter but write everything by hand, and it's seeming very daunting right now. Planned to make a big dent today, did one. ONE. Argh.
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 06:51 pm
One of the very many good bits about choosing not to have children is, we can choose to not have Christmas as well. We talked about it, and decided to leave the pesky fake tree and decorations in the shed this year.

And happily, relatives are too far away to cause us any trouble.

We'll open a few presents, and buy presents for the pets, and have a delightful Christmas!

Perfect, perfect, BK!

So what are you doing on the gritting moaning thread,then, hmmm? Confused Laughing Wink

I would LOVE to spend Christmas with a bunch of gorgeous cats! Half your luck, I say! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:01 pm
I was thinking today I would like to send my parents a xmas card, the thing is all I know is that they live in a medically staffed apartment complex somewhere in south denver. I have no address. Now I suppose many of you readers could say "I'm sure you could find their address if you wanted to" and that's true, on the other hand the fact that they (meaning my father) has not informed me of where they live for several years so I assume he is not interested in hearing from me. My mother is (so I've been told) in final state alzheimers.
My only living brother who lives in San Diego has had much of his brain removed via 6 brain surgeries and is essentially incapacitated.

It's absolutely not my intention to encourage you to contact your parents this Christmas, dys. Heck, as if I'm in any position to advise anyone on such matters! Wink
But I do kinda wonder what your father's response would be, if you did.
And your brother ..... sighing heavily here ... terribly sad.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:03 pm
prolly best not to get me started.

OK, then! I will desist. Wink

Ima go make a ham for gram on the day.

Good for you, Rocky. And lucky grandma! Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:09 pm
Setanta wrote:

Chipmunks roasting on an open fire . . .

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
Reply Sun 20 Dec, 2009 07:10 pm
tsarstepan wrote:

Do I smell freshly roasted Alvin in the air?!

Smells delicious!

You're a heartless BEAST, that's what you are!

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