I had the most excellent bah humbug Xmas yesterday!
Honestly the best Xmas I’ve had in years.
I was flying solo/going stag yesterday. I decided around 12:30 to turn on my Grubhub app to see if anything was available. I wish I had turned it on hours before.
In the next 3 hours I made over $100.
Just kept going back and forth from 2 Asian buffets that are within 2 blocks of each other, and homes within maybe 3 miles.
Large orders plus people were tipping really heavy.
The restaurants themselves were busy. Couples of all ages from 20 to 70, entire extended families with up to 8 or 10 kids, single people. Went to an upscale sushi place as my last stop, and it was packed.
The roads had about 20% of normal traffic. The weather was great at about 60 to 65 degrees, and it was overcast, which is very soothing to me.
It was great seeing the number of people out and about. People were jogging, washing their cars, just normal stuff.
It was a 9.75 out of 10.