So, it has been a while since i have gotten on here (as i have been busy as you may imagine!) I would like to start by thanking all of you for your responses, i like to absorb info from all angles whenever possible. also before i start, i must correct myself, we are not exactly sure pit bull is the breed she is mixed with, we are simply assuming. My bad on my wording before
Those who responded with horror stories-i know all about horror stories about pit bulls, I have heard it all, and seen videos, and blah blah blah. I did not post here to be be-littled, or made to feel wrong for taking in a dog of possible pit bull breed. I understand that that is something that will happen in a blog online, however, i have to say, that i thought the saying "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" was instilled in all people from early childhood i was more looking for animal advice in general, i did not think that i placed emphasis on her breed, so much as training tips, if i did, my apologies, as that was not my intention. and negativity is not reality, and perspective is everything-as it goes hand in hand with energy, which happens to be a huge part of communication in general, and entirely with dogs.
Those who responded with common sense or positivity, thank you. I appreciate your feedback and its always nice to see a positive note.
Now, as I said before, we are not sure what her exact mix is, and i have made a serious effort to be the best trainer i can be, specific to her possible breeds as well. My boyfriend grew up with a boxer pit mix (also said to be aggressive breed) who recently passed away as one of the nicest, respectful and respectable dogs i believe i was blessed to meet. And he was huge and scary (much like say, a pitbull), therefore, I disagree with it being "lazy and trite" to attribute most of dog behavior to owners, because it is, infact, a lot of work to train a dog strictly, and properly. Dogs rely on humans for boundaries and it takes work to set and enforce them. I would also like to add, that among my research and socialization with as many dogs as possible, I have seen a yellow lab attack-dogs who are said to be one of the best breeds.
I would agree that there are people that should not own pit bull breed, or a dog of any sort...because dogs sense energy, and not many people are in tune with themselves enough to be able to control their energy output.
Bella has since come a long way, her aggression has completely stopped, and we are moving toward controlling her dominant excitement-which can easily be confused for aggression. She has not exerted any abnormal behavior since our series of techniques have unfolded. We are very strict, calm, consistent, persistent and loving toward eachother as boyfriend and girlfiend, and more-so with our dogs, as we agree that stability is the foundation for long lasting relationships. I have been so delighted with our progress in bella yes, but me, especially, as a dog owner. If bella had been taken to a pound, she would have been euthanized bc ppl are "lazy and trite" and do not want to take the time to teach a dog how to be loved, or to find suitable owners for certain needs a dog may have. I am not a know-it-all, nor am i a dog expert, but when my older sister acts up i dont immediately think about putting her to sleep, everyone has a different love language and you cant just eliminate certain people or oppurtunities because of something that may have happened. its like having a bad experience with a person of a certain race, therefore holding everyone of that race accountable for that one person's actions-stupid, and unacceptable.
I will continue to love my dogs and ensure the safety of everyone individually, to the very best of my ability.