Time for me to cite my present favorite pasta - very very toothy. To my taste, leagues better than Barilla, da Cecco, etc. The company is rusticella d'abruzzo, which makes pasta abruzzese di semola de grano duro. The one I'm crazy about is called Chitarra, which takes 9-11 minutes to cook, it says on the package, but I think that's at a full roiling boil. I've also learned to fill my pan up near the tippy top, as the individual pasta strands don't just fold like usual.. and I want them covered with water. I swish them around longer than usual, lest they stick. So, maybe fifteen minutes, from when I put them in, but watch it. Pasta like it should be. No discernible additives.
Here in Albuquerque, it is something like $3.75 a package of 17.5 ounces.
Hmm sounds yummy. I eat pasta at least once a week, always looking for new types to try

thanks for sharing your recipe.
I had to revive this thread because I have learned more information on vitamin D.
Yesterday I was at my osteopathic Dr's office for a few manipulations of my spine and the discussion of vitamin D came up as it always does.
My doctor seemed to for a moment get weird on me.
He started mumbling something about, and god said let there be light.
I though that was a bit weird a medical doctor quoting a scripture. Very weird. But then he asked me a question. He asked me if I knew Einstein theory of relativity? Well I said e=mc (and i forgot the squared part)
So he said e=mc2
Then he brought out a piece of scratch paper and began to do some algebra in front of me.
He took Einsteins equation and inverted it over a division sign then he completely flipped the equation around and when he was finished he had an equation where between the e and the m was an equilibrium symbol.
He told me the equilibrium was the speed of light x2. I marveled and thought bravo!
He said that the speed of light was what created matter and energy.
Then he likened light to vitamin D whose major source is from sunlight.
Suddenly I realized that Einstein's equation was at work in vitamin D's conversion of sunlight into physical body mass and energy.
What a really smart doctor I have. He now has me up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day.
I don't recall if I posted here before, but I too am a believer in the power of vitamin D.
Thank You Pamela! Your articles are so very needed and appreciate here I am so glad you thought of this thread to post them.
I will say that over two years ago I started vitamin D supplements because my Vitamin D level was low at 20%. I have for almost a year been at ten thousand IU per day. It has taken over two years to bring my vitamin D level up to 55% with supplements.
I have noticed a much better over all health and my pain levels have been cut in half enabling me to eliminate all prescription pain meds except for a couple Ibuprofen every few days.
I will say that acetaminophen almost killed me. Beware of the long term effects of Tylenol. Prolonged use of Tylenol can toxify the body and cause even greater pain levels over time.