@Bi-Polar Bear,
lol...welcome to the new chip-on-my-shoulder A2K
NYC - St. Paddy's day - kinda like Cinqo de Mayo...
I happily celebrate both.
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Quote:I need a wine cooler and a hug to soothe my injured sensibilities.
There there
B-P Bear! <<pats on your back>>
Here! Enjoy yourself a wine cooler.
now THAT'S the kind of wine cooler that will soothe even the most injured psyche
So I wanna know about Green Witch's possible info on a machine that sucks up the leaves and turns them to mulchables..
I agree with Thomas about the noise.
I happen to have photographed, while enraged by noise and futility, a person whose heritage I didn't know using a large machine to chase and scoop up a single leaf on the school lawn across from our house. Well, ok, perhaps he nabbed ten leaves over the period I watched which was maybe ten to fifteen minutes.
I took the photo to the principal's office, did a calmo rant, and that machine was never seen again. On the other hand, neither were rakes.
Maybe I was wrong and that was a "good" machine..
there are many leaf vacuums on the market that mulch them as they suck them up and bag them. A much better alternative but unfortunately they are now manufactured in Mexico or Malaysia where labor is cheap... taking jobs from God fearing Americans. Damn this brown skinned pox upon America. It's all part of ebrown's insidious plot to kill the white man.
are you suggesting the mulching and composting of the white man? Have you joined the ebrown cult?
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Huh. I always thought that would be a good idea, given a sea of leaves sans rocks and other possible problem stuff, but didn't know anything was yet on the market that worked like that. That was back in the early nineties...
Are they as noisy as leaf blowers? Leaf blowers are hell if you are a writer or designer who works at home and various neighbors have gardeners on different days. (I personally have never had a gardener, such luxe. Well that's a fib, I did when I was fixing up my own biggish place for a short time).
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Membership is till open?
Nah, what to do with those pesky leaves, after you've
raked them!
the electric ones are not.... and they are now making models that are exclusively vacuums rather than vacuum/blower combos... which require switching around the configurations and are a pain in the ass...
@Bi-Polar Bear,
All good to learn. Hey, this thread ain't all for naught.
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:
Quote:Mexicans have been in L.A. how long? One-hundred years?
Do you know any history whatever, foofie? Whatsoever? California was part of Mexico until 1848 when the USA simply appropriated as the spoils of war. 100 years? Mexicans have been there ever since the first Spanish Catholic missionaries came into the country in the late 1600s, early 1700s. It's we white folks who've been in California for something less than 200 years.
O.K. Then why are they not at the top of the proverbial heap? Why do they have a governor of born in Austria?
panzade wrote:
Quote:Mexicans have been in L.A. how long? One-hundred years? In half that time the Irish already ran Tammany Hall in NYC. Not to mention building the American Catholic church. All ethnics are not equal, as we can see from accomplishments, or lack thereof.
Of course there's one thing you left out foo ...they have a different language and they are dark skinned...two items guaranteed to keep you off the top rungs here.
Sure the Irish accomplished a lot...they blended a little better.
The dark skin does not mean anything. Look at all the professors from India at many universities. The Irish had a heap of prejudice to deal with; however, they picked themselves up by their proverbial bootstraps. No one helped them.
ossobuco wrote:
So I wanna know about Green Witch's possible info on a machine that sucks up the leaves and turns them to mulchables..
The Brit's do it best, but Sears also sells one:
Quote:Look at all the professors from India at many universities.
Yeah?...so these professors sneaked over the border speaking Hindi?
Last word.. Mexican describes a Nationality... the following describes the many RACIAL groups comprising Mexicans
Mestizos (those of mixed European and Amerindian ancestry) form the largest group, comprising up to 60"80% of the total population.
Amerindians called indigenous peoples (indÃgenas) are estimated to be between 12% (pure Amerindian).
Whites make up 9%-17% of the population, mostly descendants of the first Spanish settlers; although there are Mexicans of French, Italian, Portuguese, Basque, German, Irish, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Arab (mainly Lebanese and Syrian) and British descents from contemporary migration.
Mexico also received a large number of Lebanese, Syrian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Filipino immigrants.
Afro-Mexicans, mostly of mixed ancestry, live in the coastal areas of the states of Veracruz, Tabasco and Guerrero.
So kiss my lily white ass ebrown old buddy.
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Quote:Last word.. Mexican describes a Nationality...
Sorry Bi-Polar....
Are you actually claiming you know the "nationality" of the brown-skinned gentlemen doing the unappreciated hard work under your window?
It seems to me you referred to them as "Mexicans" without knowing their nationality.
So you can kiss my American ass.
Foofie... you are full of crap.
We now have Hispanics in Congress, in the Administration and on the Supreme court. Hispanics are an important part of the electorate courted by both parties. Hispanics are also a increasingly important part of the Business world and the Hispanic American demographic is heavily marketed to.
National Council of La Raza is an American institution (built by and for Americans). It has a fairly moderate stance on topics from Education to Healthcare and is run by well-educated, respectable (English-Speaking) Americans. It often has a prominent voice in Congress.
This "they don't assimilate" crap was said about the Italians and Irish as far back as the 1920s and 1930s.
Your posts are out and out bigoted. I am not saying that about any other post on this thread.