Don't offer sympathy........

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:16 am
people do engineer. I asked for opinions on what to do with this very frustrating situation with my cat. Miss bill answered by giving the opinion that I'm an asshole (which is shared by some others I'm sure and maybe I am) , questioned my parenting skills and insinuated that I'm a sadistic animal killer.

Because you're a person who's opinion I value I anxiously await your tutelage on how that was germane to the issue. Mr. Green
Green Witch
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:22 am
Bill just likes to hear himself talk (he certainly doesn't listen to others) and he loves to have the last word, even if it's pointless. Have you noticed he has an incredible ability to end threads? A large percentage of threads are punctuated with a final Bill response.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:32 am
@Green Witch,
Bill just likes to hear himself talk (he certainly doesn't listen to others) and he loves to have the last word, even if it's pointless. Have you noticed he has an incredible ability to end threads? A large percentage of threads are punctuated with a final Bill response.

I guess I should allow you to have the last word here to disprove your statement but what the hell why should I?

You do not post here to get your viewpoints on issues out into public and you do not enjoy so doing?

The problem you seem to have Ms Witch is that anyone who disagree with your right and completely without question correct veiwpoints on life must be evil and or stupid.

Poor little witch.............................

Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:33 am
BillRM wrote:
What the hell was a thinking in offering symphy in such a group?

Probably a waste of time, but let's examine this statement. BillRM claims he offered sympathy on another thread and got attacked for it. He is evidently referring to his posts on this thread.

Here are his initial posts in that thread in order .... let's look for his expressions of "sympathy" ...

BillRM wrote:
Have her check out by your vet first as something could be wrong with her physical that need treatment that have no connection at all with you being pregnant.

Second, go way out of your way to love her up as when I just introduce a mother cat and one of her kittens to the household my head cat acted very down and unhappy as a result.

After a week or so of going way out of my way to love her up, she is now her old self.

Good luck

Not seeing it there ... he directs the poster to take the animal to the vet, suggests the owner give the animal more love, and offers her good luck .... hmm, maybe he offers sympathy in his next post ...

BillRM wrote:
Most people who been around cats for years already had have that so they have no problem, in fact I think there might even be a test to see if she had already been exposed to that disease.

However it is a good thing to bring up to her as she should allow her husband to deal with the cat **** until afterward just to be on the safe side.

No, he's just replying to Green Witch ... no sympathy yet ... let's keep looking ...

BillRM wrote:
Finally had to take her to the shelter. I hated it... but homes are primarily for people.
How sad for you.

So, after BPB offers his two cents to the poster -- which have nothing to do with BillRM -- BillRM comes back with that snotty little reply.

Okay, let's recap: instead of offering sympathy, BillRM gave a snarky response to BPB, then complains when people start pointing out he's an asshole, and starts this thread.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:34 am
ah ha ha ha, I'm welling up again.
Does your version of A2K come without spell check or are you too lazy to reread your posts?
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:40 am
Guys did you not see Ms Witch claim that I end threads and my order that this thread is at an end so she can be proven to be correct?

Now once more this thread is at an end as to do otherewsie is to disprove her claim and we all know what can happen if you cause a witch to be unhappy.

Now once more as the known thread ended on this system I order this thread to be at an END.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:42 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
You know that some percentage of all reponders to a thread are going to be asses and if you post something about an animal you are going to get the full spectrum from "good for you, cats are evil" to "sadistic animal killer." It's kind of like scoring olympic diving. You throw out the high and the low and average the rest. (Or is that gymnastics? Figure skating?) If Bill wasn't playing the radical ass role, we would have to get someone else to do it, but you had to kow that someone was going to post that comment. The post that Bill is indignant about is where you said "I had to take a cat to the shelter" and he replied "How sad for you." I understand given the other thread why you would take that for sarcasm, and given his general history I can see everyone taking it that way, but it could have been just an honest expression of sympathy from one cat lover to another. Or I could be naive. But that thread went straight to hell when the flame throwers came out and Bill was engaged in a civil discussion up to that point.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:46 am
Oh well.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:49 am
Yeah, threads never go to hell, I know. Laughing
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:50 am
Monday is my day off to engage in strictly discretionary behavior so here's my plan.

I will hold Mueschi gently in my lap, stroking her fur and speaking soft and loving words into her ears until she is completely relaxed and I will then slit her throat, taking sadistic delight in the warm arterial spray that covers me. I will behead and skin her using her skull as a chalice to hold the remainder of her blood. I will disembowel her and use her organs in the sacrifice to the Dark Lord while then fileting her....because squinney is making Brunswick Stew today. Her fur will make a lovely tea cozy and her bones will be placed in a black container marked with all the necessary runes and sent down the Neuse River under the moon at exactly midnight. I will then drink the remainder of the blood from the skull chalice and offer my prayers to the God of the Underworld that Bill's balls will finally drop and it will improve his prissy attitude.

Gosh I hope this post doesn't negatively impact our relationship.

My cats are well fed, comfortable and spend a great deal of time curled up on my bed making biscuits for the record. I suspect they will both curl up in the crooks of our legs and watch House with us later.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:52 am
but it could have been just an honest expression of sympathy from one cat lover to another. Or I could be naive. But that thread went straight to hell when the flame throwers came out and Bill was engaged in a civil discussion up to that point.

Frankly I did not remember the past issues with this gentleman and was just expressing honest sympthy of needing to take a cat to a shelter.

Ok after the past thread was pointed out to me I can see why he blow up but not why the ladies join in at once.

Somehow I question that both of them had better memories then I do over a long dead thread.
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:52 am
Bill placed out the "Flame Throwers Welcome Here" mat with his I'm on the moral high ground post. That's his M.O.
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 09:55 am
we remembered something you didn't and you question that we have longer memories that you. Okay.

At this point I'm just having fun ******* with you.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:14 am
BillRM wrote:
Ok after the past thread was pointed out to me I can see why he blow up but not why the ladies join in at once.

You're memory is indeed short .... let me help you again.
Green Witch
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:25 am
Crudely put, Tico, but 100% correct.

I did not misunderstand that Bill was sincere in his expression of sympathy, it was his history that prompted my comments.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:26 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bill placed out the "Flame Throwers Welcome Here" mat with his I'm on the moral high ground post. That's his M.O.

My morals are indeed far better then the average here or at least in my opinion however I had found that every other posters here seem to share that feeling.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:29 am
Was I talking to you or refering to you?

From the picture you are surely no lady and from your postings you are surely no gentleman.

How about that for geting into the true spirit of this group guys?
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:31 am
Finally bill posts something I am in 100% agreement with.

My morals are indeed far better then the average here or at least in my opinion
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:34 am
@Green Witch,
I did not misunderstand that Bill was sincere in his expression of sympathy, it was his history that prompted my comments.
THANK so you was just being nasty for the joy of being nasty to someone that you do not like.

Still do not understand your need on that post, as there are many more posts by me all over this system that you could had exercise nastiness with some logic other then a posting of sympathy.

Can not wait until the holidays so I can post a happy holiday message and see the flames that will then result.
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:38 am
BillRM wrote:

Was I talking to you or refering to you?

Perhaps not, but he is telling you important information. Your post of sympathy was regarded as sarcasm because people consider you an ass. At this point, I recommend (although I know you didn't ask) that you post something like "Sorry, I was just offering my condolences over Bear's loss and didn't mean anything else by it" and then let it drop! Just about everyone here is considered an ass by someone, so don't let it rile you. If you want to maintain a more civil tone, now's the time to start.

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