BillRM wrote:What the hell was a thinking in offering symphy in such a group?
Probably a waste of time, but let's examine this statement. BillRM claims he offered sympathy on another thread and got attacked for it. He is evidently referring to his posts on
this thread.
Here are his initial posts in that thread in order .... let's look for his expressions of "sympathy" ...
BillRM wrote:Have her check out by your vet first as something could be wrong with her physical that need treatment that have no connection at all with you being pregnant.
Second, go way out of your way to love her up as when I just introduce a mother cat and one of her kittens to the household my head cat acted very down and unhappy as a result.
After a week or so of going way out of my way to love her up, she is now her old self.
Good luck
Not seeing it there ... he directs the poster to take the animal to the vet, suggests the owner give the animal more love, and offers her good luck .... hmm, maybe he offers sympathy in his next post ...
BillRM wrote:Most people who been around cats for years already had have that so they have no problem, in fact I think there might even be a test to see if she had already been exposed to that disease.
However it is a good thing to bring up to her as she should allow her husband to deal with the cat **** until afterward just to be on the safe side.
No, he's just replying to Green Witch ... no sympathy yet ... let's keep looking ...
BillRM wrote:Finally had to take her to the shelter. I hated it... but homes are primarily for people.
How sad for you.
So, after BPB offers his two cents to the poster -- which have nothing to do with BillRM -- BillRM comes back with that snotty little reply.
Okay, let's recap: instead of offering sympathy, BillRM gave a snarky response to BPB, then complains when people start pointing out he's an asshole, and starts this thread.