@Bi-Polar Bear,
See, I would have read that differently. I'd have thought he was saying it was a duty per se - some people would have seen it as a duty while others would have seen it as an option - after all cats are animals, if your kid is sick there's no question but that you take care of their health and well-being immediately - but the same sort of emergent, immediate care is more of an option for an animal than it is for a person.
Anyway - that's how I read it.
(Not that I believe you are not required to take care of your animals if you have them - I do. I just know if I had a choice of taking my sick kid to the doctor or my sick dog - I'd take my sick kid. So I do have to acknowledge that the animals do take a back seat to people in my own particular scheme of values- and I realize there are other people who would take a sick animal out and shoot it before they'd take it to a vet...).
But I don't find Bill to be the resident asshole. I don't always agree with what he says, but I think he's sincere in his beliefs and they're validly his beliefs. I have more trouble with people who don't like other people not only because of what they say - but also make fun of how they say it.
There are people who have difficulty writing and speaking grammatically and/or correctly. That's not a laughing matter- for the people who struggle with it as children and most especially for those who age/grow into adulthood and wish to express themselves in writing who are just as passionate about what they want to say and continue to try to do it, though they continue to struggle.