hawkeye10 wrote:
What do we call those countries where the bosses decide upon a result for a trial, and then organize the necessary trial to get to that result.......banana republic, isn't that it??? Maybe bankrupt and/or corrupt nation??
Anyway, I am not thrilled to live in a nation where the bosses are willing to manipulate the law with the express purpose of imposing max retribution upon a fellow citizen. This is not justice, this is barbarism......barbarism were the patina of civility has been applied with just enough thickness so that we can lie to ourselves about how despicable we are and get away with it.
That is disorganized
It is government 's duty first to discriminate between the innocent
and the guilty and then to avenge the victim upon the perpetrator.
If government failed to do that,
then, by default, the natural right to get even
devolves and reverts back to the victim
or to some Good Samaritan who acts on the victim 's behalf.
After he was killed, he shoud have been brought back to life
and killed again, for each of his murder victims. <chuckle>