Fri 6 Nov, 2009 04:40 pm
Ok, so my career looks pretty bleak unless I either change employers or move to FL.
I have what I think is an essential contact list, a good sense of business knowledge, and the ability to transfer my unique position in my organization to assist in the success of a major integration. My current location is not likely to find the same level of people to get at the right expense savings and customer retention.
So yeah, given that I am a quite afraid of BIG bugs, I'd bring with me an arsenal of cats to combat the insect population there. For those who live there and who have been there...*Cringes* Can you tell me what to expect?
That's a baby compared to ...

Then you have the bible thumpers!
poor mm...the big difference you duffuses is that my photo is of a real live Palmetto Bug such as is found here in South Florida...
But don't worry little lady. I'll navigate you through the terrors of....
When I lived in NAwlins we had Palmetto Bugs (THASS another name that crackers have for bigass COCKROACH)
That's a real grasshopper, although special effected into a horrible 1950's shocking B-horror film.
I'm more terrified of you real sized cockroach then I would be if I really met one of these lumbering Greyhound bus sized bugs.
Cockroaches and earwigs creep me out a thousand times more then the mice and rats of New York City.
I would feel more secure and comfortable if
OmSigDAVID came onto this thread and advocated the average citizen to be able to carry grenades wherever they go. Bullets are too good for these cockroaches and earwigs for that matter. I say you kill them not with the hand, the foot, or a newspaper but with a grenade!
Quote:(THASS another name that crackers have for bigass COCKROACH)
You got that right. Sorta like ordering mahi mahi instead of dolphin.
It rolls right off the tongue.
I eat braised Nutria, you eat SWAMP RAT.
This is my pet swamp rat. I'd never eat him
He likes lollypops though
I have a couple cats the size of a small dog. But they only play with cockroaches. I'd be extremely lucky if they figured out how to actually kill one that size.
tsarstepan wrote:
That's a real grasshopper, although special effected into a horrible 1950's shocking B-horror film.
That's from the film
The Beginning of the End (1957) with Peter Graves. It's about giant grasshoppers invading Chicago. The still you posted shows the southwest corner of Randolph and Michigan (you can see the Art Institute in the background). The film was produced at a time when the mayor didn't allow filming in the city, so all of the backgrounds were photos. And yes, it's a crappy movie.
Oh, and here's a
gallery of Florida insects.
I love watching movies and BAM I instantly recognize the street corner and neigborhood. That's so cool.
dyslexia wrote:
new mexico vinegaroon;
That's an evil hybrid of an earwig and a scorpion. Put that in a monster movie and have everyone piss their collected pants!