AbbieMcKenley wrote:We're booking a holiday for August/September time this year, in Orlando, Florida.

I tried searching on google but the results were all for surf shops etc.
I know there are a load of American A2Kers, some of you
have to know if theres any surf there so, I'll put it too you;
Is there anywhere to surf in or around Orlando & If so, where to?
Oh and if there is, Are there any

Yeah, I 'm going to Florida a week from tomorrow.
I 'm going for
2 holidays:
Valentine's Day and for
George Washington's Birthday.
(I was trying for a red, white & blue effect for George Washington's Birthday.)
I 've been to Disneyworld several times, over the years.
I always like it and I find that I have forgotten a lot of what I saw b4.
Take pictures; take notes, or diary.
My favorite restaurant is: Victoria and Albert's
in the Grand Floridian Hotel on the Disney property. Its a good hotel too.
The restaurant has a harpist.
When I called to make a reservation (from NY)
I was not only asked how many people in my party, as usual,
but I was asked to identify them and to reveal their favorite foods.
(I had to check with them.)
When we arrived, @ member of my party was given a menu
with all of his or her favorite foods listed thereon
and the velvet menu was
engraved in gold with his or her name.
Its been a few years since I 've been there.
I don 't know what thay r doing now.
U can call and ask them.
Disneyworld also has an English Pavillion that u might like in
Maybe u can get a map of the place.
Indeed, thay will send u a sales-minded videotape.
(I have no idea of whether it will play on an English videotape recorder
or not; maybe a DVD.) In America, thay sell guidebooks
to Disneyworld in bookstores.
I also recommend the Coral Reef Restaurant; Google it.
Google the whole Disneyworld. I like the food; mostly seafood.
For $140, I SCUBA dove in the fish tank that shows thru the windows
of the restaurant.
Thay have nice fireworks each nite.
There 's a lot to like. Maybe u can get a guide book.
Feel free to ask me anything.
U can also call them.
I have no information about surfing, nor jellyfish.
U can ask the Disney people.