Not really. Hubby's seen them several times at work: They move into abandoned cars (he's an auto mechanic).
Of course, we're Rural FL. We've seen them in our shed, as well.
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Sat 7 Nov, 2009 11:30 am
Bugs............ i love bugs..............LOVE BUGS in front of a lens!
<RogRat - would you pass me a bucket please.... the 8 legged things have just given me the heeby-jeebies and I think I need to throw, you know how I don't do 8 legs.... ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK ACK>
banana ones, wolf ones, widow ones......................... UGH
We had one in our small backyard pond that must have been fed by someone, since when it heard you coming it would quickly swim TOWARDS you. I've never seen an alligator behave that way, and I hope I never do again.
That's exactly why there is a law in Florida that prohibits feeding 'gators. Once they are fed, they are no longer afraid of humans, and that means TROUBLE. Alligators, unlike crocodiles, are naturally afraid of humans, and will flee if a person gets too close.
Bugs............ i love bugs..............LOVE BUGS in front of a lens!
Do you mean that you love bugs, or you love "Love Bugs"? Love bugs are those dear little creatures which invade Florida for about two weeks twice a year. The reason for the name is that they spend their time.............ahem, flying united.
I a car goes through a swarm of those critters they muck up the whole front of the car. Their dear little bodies are quite difficult to remove. Some people are concerned that the bugs will get sucked into their car engine, so they install a "car bra".
They are not harmful, (except to car engines) and don't bite. In a park, I had a bunch of them copulate on my eyelashes!
If chickens were a reptile. All the alligator I had tasted like a muddy lizard, chicken did NOT come to mind.
Course, I had mine in Imokalee where everyone was packin guns. ADve woulda thought he died and went to heaven.