@ebrown p,
My Gosh ebrown we agree again. At least to the extent that most voters are satisfied with the candidates they vote for. Surely some people detest all of the available candidates and simply don't vote, but I suspect they are a small number.
This nonsense about civil wars within either of the main parties has been trotted out before and has never amounted to anything.
As for NY 23, DeDe S. is not a moderate Republican, she is a liberal. She is well to the left of Snowe and Collins. She should be a Democrat and probably will become one soon.
Right wing pundits and political figures didn't force her out of the race. They were also unable to force the GOP to withdraw their support of her
Hoffman didn't lose the election because he is perceived to be the personification of extreme right wing ideology and as much as left wingers would like to interpret his loss as some sign of calamity that overwhelmed far more significant GOP wins in VA and NJ, it just isn't the case.
Every third party candidate (no matter what their stripes) has to overcome inherent barriers relative to the mechanics of voting. Throw in the fact that Scarafozza (sp?) was on the ballot as the Republican candidate, even though she effectively withdrew, and it was tougher for Hoffman still.
More to the point though, Hoffman is a very unattractive candidate. I couldn't tell you what his position is on any topic, but I'll accept that he must be some sort of "conservative" based on the backing he got, but after seeing him live on TV last night, I can imagine why a lot of people would not vote for him irrespective of his positions: He is very creepy. He looks like Jerry Mahoney with glasses and has less of a personality.
There were candidates in the NJ primaries that were more "ideologically pure" than Christie, but neither the GOP nor the right-wing luminaries withdrew their support of him, and the same thing will happen in 2010 primaries across the nation.
Again, Scarafozza was not a moderate Republican she was a liberal. Conservatives are not going to support liberals anymore than liberals will support conservatives.
For those of you trying to stir the pot, did the Democrats abandon Lieberman because he was too "moderate?"