@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:My Gosh ebrown we agree again. At least to the extent that most voters are satisfied with the candidates they vote for. Surely some people detest all of the available candidates and simply don't vote, but I suspect they are a small number.
This nonsense about civil wars within either of the main parties has been trotted out before and has never amounted to anything.
We don't agree about civil wars (although it is nice to have some support for our two party system of democracy).
It seems clear that the GOP has some serious internal strife right now that they are going to have to deal with (and I don't mind saying that I take some pleasure in this). It wasn't just about Dede Scazzofava-- you had Gingrich vs. Palin; pragmatism vs. purity.
Of course, the Democratic party has had to deal with this in the past, but right now it is the GOP that has the serious rifts.
My prediction is that in the future the GOP will move to the center (I guess that would be the left for them) which will give them more play with the true center and conservative Democrats.
But in the short term, the Palin/Beck/Tea Party wing of the party is going to cause some fireworks (to the detriment of the GOP) for a while.
You got to appreciate the good times (cause I know there is a cycle to these things).