@Green Witch,
So what you are saying is that only a certain class of people should be buying xboxes or puppies for their children? I am sorry but that line of thinking is a little selfish dont you think? Give low income families a tax break gives them some hope to have someting to look forward too. Sure you might say that buying an xbox isnt the right thing to do but a little treat like that is probably worth more in terms of morale than say a $200 subsidy on books or supplies.
let me ask you this why do you work? pay mortgages, have children and families? why do we get out of bed everyday and pull through in our dead end jobs? What is the reason?
Money? Fame? Society?Because everyone else does it?
No, its because we too are human beings just like you, we love, we dream, we care, we have needs, and if once in a while if we buy an item that brings joy to our mundane lives by buying an xbox or getting baton lesson please forgive us for being......well...em human.
I am not being disrespectful to any off you well except maybe the porsche dude up there (instead of being open to discussion hed rather have me pissoff) but all i am doing is sheading light on the "other" side of life. I dont know how successful or unfortunate any of you are, but i do know this...there are people more unfortunate than you and me....and i try to help anyone that i can...when i made the money i did, i dont make the money and i still do but thats not the point.....the point is ....
you will never realize the value of what you have, untill you have lost it
you will never know what hunger is, untill you have felt it
you will never know the meaning of sharing, until someone shares with you
and you will forever look at life differently once you have been on the other side.
i was like you, had it all .....and then life changed....i dont believe in welfare or handouts i am an honest man living an honest life in a dishonest world and when i had to hurt my pride and depend on welfare even for a short while it was the most painful thing to bear...but boy was i happy that it was there for me when i neeeded it....i contributed my hard earned money to the government and bitched and moaned about how its unfair that others get to use it.....and then when i lost my job, dream of a house, car, bike, and other things....that welfare that i had contributed to was my only comfort for a short while.....
People who dont have kids, should care about people who do
people who dont have dogs, should care about people who do
people should care.....you never know when you might need someone to care about you !