The New World Order

Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 06:43 pm
Note that there was no Catholic church when the Book of Revelation was written. Your comment is just babble. There was not even an Orthodox church at the time it was written. There was simply a cult, which didn't then even call themselves Christians. So it is laughably absurd to contend that a passage in Revelation refers to any "Christian" church or organization.

By the way, Rex, you still haven't provided me with any "truth" about the Babylon mystery religion from your boy Hislop. What's the matter, are you unable to put your money where your mouth is.

All you have done with your ranting about Roman Catholicism is prove that you are wrapped up in hate, because, of course, no part of Revelation can possibly refer to an institution which did not exist when it was written.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:08 pm
Set wrote:

All you have done with your ranting about Roman Catholicism is prove that you are wrapped up in hate, because, of course, no part of Revelation can possibly refer to an institution which did not exist when it was written.

Comment: Now look who's making things up as they go along. The fact that the word Babylon is invoked in the scripture indicates that the seeds of any future organizations had already been sewn and it BOLDLY named the source of this institution as Babylon.

I am sure it is not referring to the Babylonian brick layers union, no, it was referring to the Babylonian "religion".
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:09 pm
By the way, Rex, now you are making **** up. Read Revelation 17 again, the author is not making a prophecy, he is describing someone who already exists. He does not speak of a cult or religion, he speaks of an individual. So the question becomes, who identifies this "whore" with the Catholic Church? And the answer to that is clear--hateful religious bigots like Hislop . . . and like you, Rex.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:14 pm
I did not write the scriptures and neither did Hislop write the ancient mythologies of which you persecute him for making light of them.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:16 pm
Now look who's making things up as they go along. The fact that the word Babylon is invoked in the scripture indicates that the seeds of any future organizations had already been sewn and it BOLDLY named the source of this institution as Babylon.

Your comments are hilarious, Rex--and goofy. There is absolutely nothing in the text of Revelation to indicate that it refers to an "institution." There is absolutely nothing in Revelation which indicates that there are any "seeds" of a future organization.

That's what you want to believe, because you are consumed by your hatred. It is not anything remotely stated or implied in the text of Revelation.

Revelation does not identify this creature with the Catholic Church, Rex, you do. You are the fount of the hateful bigotry here.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:18 pm
RexRed wrote:
I did not write the scriptures . . .

No, and apparently, you cannot read and understand them either.

. . . and neither did Hislop write the ancient mythologies of which you persecute him for making light of them.

It's kind of hard to persecute someone who's been dead for 150 years, Rex. Hislop didn't write any ancient mythologies, nor did he write about them. He made all that **** up, Rex. You just can't get your head around that because you don't want to give up your hateful bigotry.
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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:18 pm
I do not have hared for the catholic church I have questions. But what of your own apparent hatreds?
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Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:21 pm
Any hatreds you allege on my part are not apparent, they're your fantasy. It's hilarious, though, that after leveling charges against the Roman Catholic church, you now just claim you have questions.

Hislop won't be a source for any answers, Rex, he was a bullshit artist, and he wasn't even very good at it.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:36 pm
I am not leveling charges, I am revealing mysteries. I have an interest in understanding the mysteries. So how that translated into hate is an even bigger mystery to me. Just as I am interested in other mysticism. It is an interest not a hated. If I was not interested in it I would not even talk about it. That interest feels almost like it is a destiny. The search of the holy grail all of the mysteries of time coming into focus.

Just think that Atlantis is found. The great secret revealed that Atlantis was Babylon and Babylon sent out many colonies, Greece was one of them then Babylon was lost in the sands of the desert. Yet the religion lived on.

This religion had an architecture and social function.
Reply Wed 30 Sep, 2009 07:46 pm
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Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 04:55 am
It is not that I have bowed down to Baal or any other "God" but I do find paganism of interest. I for many years used to pray to the "one true God" but even that God seems suspect these days.

I find the trinity intriguing, I find the festivals, the solstices and all of the, err, pagan pomp also of interest. If you notice the name "RexRed" I have chosen to represent myself is styled after a pagan "Erik the Red"... Yet I did what Hislop did and I took the roman form of Rex. For it just so happened that Rome thousands of miles away from Norway had the same form of a name that the Norse did. Yet another proof of the interconnectedness of the Babylonian system worldwide.

Both eric and rex also have the same meaning...
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 04:58 am
So how that translated into hate is an even bigger mystery to me.

As long as you are unwilling the face the fact that Hislop made up his "mystery Babylon religion" bullshit, as long as you continue to claim that what he wrote is true, and that he substantiated it with his citations, you partake of his hateful religious bigotry. So long as you do not repudiate the identification of the Catholics with the "whore of Babylon," you partake of the hate. One mystery which you apparently are unwilling to investigate is the mystery of how Hislop can have "revealed" all of these "truths" which not only eluded all other scholars, but flatly contradict all other scholarship.

The Two Babylons is about hatred for the Catholic church. Until you recognize that an repudiate that pathetic tissue of ignorance and lies, you indulge in the hatred yourself.

Jesus Christ, Rex, in this thread you have attacked the Masons, the Illuminati (very popular with the conspiracy nuts), secret societies in general, equated technology with cannibalism and now want to opine that "Atlantis" and the Greeks were colonies of Babylon. You're all over the road. If this thread were an automobile, you'd have been locked up for drunk driving long ago.
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 05:00 am
God, you're goofy. Every language in the world has a word for "ruler," does that mean they are all "inter-connected?" Is that evidence of the "Babylon system?" This is why i say you are seriously delusional.
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 05:16 am
Set you simply don't understand. You have swallowed this myopic view of religion and refuse to see its interconnectedness with the past. Thus you are lost in the Mystery Religion and this was the purpose of the mystery system, to confuse those uninitiated in the rites... Perhaps you see the tower of Babel story as a fairytale and refuse to see that his was how our languages, religion, festivals, relics, rites OF TODAY were perpetuated worldwide.

Take all of your hater bullshit out of the conversation and objectively step back and look at the beast in our midst. For only someone fully aware of this beast can tame this red beast that has climbed up from the darkest most reaches of the religious abyss. Only someone initiated in the mysteries will see that the flood of Noah was not physical water but it was a flood of paganism that drenched the world in Babylonian religion. That the animals became worshiped two by two and the ark was monotheism.

I am not making choices or arguments for either paganism or monotheism... I am just not so enraptured by either system than I can't see them for what they really are. And while you all sit here day after days stating so boldly that a global flood "scientifically" never happened you miss the whole subtle point time and again that a global flood did happen. One with much more social implications than that of a physical mass extinction. Babel poured out its cup onto the earth and today we see the remnants of its system of worship first hand.

Revelation 12:3 KJV
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
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Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 05:47 am
Setanta wrote:

God, you're goofy. Every language in the world has a word for "ruler," does that mean they are all "inter-connected?" Is that evidence of the "Babylon system?" This is why i say you are seriously delusional.

Set yes every country has a name for ruler and you don't care to reason the fact that these words are not arbitrary words but forms of one another.

Enrique is the Spanish form of Eric, Heinrich is the German from of Eric, the same word. Rex is the Roman form... Erik is Norse. It is not that some stupid tribal person said lets call the ruler "blah blah" but it is evident that each of these words are derivatives of each other. And until you stop calling this a coincidence you will never understand how the mystery system perpetuated. In pagan tribes thousands of mines apart YES they all have the "exact same" root word for ruler/king... This I realized in my own birth name that only expands Hislop's thesis and is yet another proof of an ancient religious system at work in languages of today. If you can't see they were all borrowing from the same page of names well you must be so stupid you simply cannot even reason two plus two Set.
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 09:32 am
It is not that some stupid tribal person said lets call the ruler "blah blah" but it is evident that each of these words are derivatives of each other.

We can add language to the list of things about which you know absolutely nothing. This is part and parcel of that bullshit you posted about the Greeks being a "colony" of Babylon. We know that the Greeks and Akkadians (the people who founded Babylon) are different peoples altogether precisely because of the profound differences in their languages. The Akkadians were Semites, the Greeks are Indo-Europeans. Their languages don't share common roots, and Semitic words only enter the Greek language after they made contact with the Phoenicians, who were Semitic, but who were not at all the same people as the Akkadians. By the way, Rex, the worship of Baal-Moloch comes from what we now call Lebanon--it didn't come from Babylon and it didn't come from the Chaldeans.

And until you stop calling this a coincidence you will never understand how the mystery system perpetuated.

This is why stupidity such as Hislop's is considered the equivalent of a conspiracy theory. Wolverines are ravening beasts. Wolverines have teeth. Rabbits have teeth, therefore, rabbits must be ravening beasts. That's the kind of "logic" you are deploying here.

It is completely false that among "pagan" tribes they all have exactly the same root word for ruler. The word "king" comes from Old High German, and derives from a word meaning family or clan, and therefore, leader of the clan; while the word "rex" comes from the Latin verb regere which means to keep straight, and therefore, to rule, and derives from Proto-Indo-European. You just don't know what the hell you're talking about.

It's hilarious to see you accuse anyone else of being stupid. You're so wrapped up in Hislop's hateful bigoted screed, that not only do you swallow his bullshit whole, you are incapable of understanding just why it's wrong.
Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 01:12 pm
Rex, Enrique, Erik, Heinrich, all mean "king" and are all from some vastly different languages and no coincidence? There are millions of other names that do exactly the same thing, they cross vastly different languages.

Set you have an agenda that supersedes simple plain reason. So the more confusion, rhetoric, unsightly insults you can generate makes you think you can derail this thread. For the simple purpose of and agenda to do just that. You were insulting me before I really even got to post a couple threads. As if you had the agenda before you even read what i had to say... You didn't insult me with a complex set of arguments you just insulted me. Agenda? Me? This only makes your opinion regarding this or any other issue jaded and suspect. You cannot convince me that there is not a Babylonian mystery religion system presently on this planet.

You openly are contradicting even what the Bible is clearly stating. You wrote 'There Never Was A Babylon Mystery Religion" when the Bible mentions it many times. I know you don't even care what the Bible says so who is intolerant? I at least see it as a historical document. Sometimes I think you Set simply ignore it and is that really middle east research or research with an agenda? The Bible has numerous mentions of Babylon and the religion thereof and shall I refresh your mind on these scriptures?

Was it also not Babylon who took the Hebrews into captivity or is that a myth too? Set overheated with your agenda that has no real foundational research approach to anything other than your own whimful will.

That is why your arguments are contradicting themselves in so many numerous ways. Go back to your middle eastern books for a few more years and maybe change that attitude of yours. You post some pathetic blurbs about language that you paste from the dictionary after more insults and expect that answers it all? Well it takes more than a trip to websters to erase what is at least historically written in the Bible. (I am not saying I agree with or disagree with the biblical scriptures concerning Babylon in the Bible I am just stating that they exist.) Then to convince me that these nearly identical pagan religions were not interconnected? Gosh, Greece and Rome are nearly carbon copies of one another and the Babylonian system MOST scholars agree is older. Just as the Greek and Roman pantheon was styled after the older Babylonian pantheon..

That is why Messopotamia for the last 100 years or so that I know of has been called "the cradle of civilization".

Set... I seriously don't even think you have an argument. Just because Hislop out of a very critical, exhaustive, word intensive book on a very complicated and far reaching topic made some blunderous errors in his research certainly does not then automatically erase his premise (nor that same premise from out of the Bible) that this Babylonian system existed then and still exists now.

Also, yes some languages vary greatly from other languages, so what is your point? In such vast variance there is still such a clear connection to names and religious terminology that only strengthens my own point... Rex, Enrique, Erik, Heinrich...

If you refuse to entertain that idea well then that is that reason why it is not visible to you.. Even Abraham was said to have come out of "Ur of the Chaldees". The father of many nations was also suspiciously Babylonian...

Why if in ancient times the king of Egypt wrote to the Babylon kings they wrote in Chaldee and if the Kings of Babylon wrote to the kings of Egypt they wrote in Chaldee? This only signifies that the Egyptians saw Babylonian culture and religion as an older ancestor of civilization. I am sure you will have some inane reply that is just as unconvincing as most of the other dictionary references you are peddling Set.

I sometimes think you just don't understand the meaning of the simple word "mystery". You can't admit it that it is you who has been left out of the loop. If it is a secret you won't find it in the dictionary... THAT IS WHY IT IS A SECRET or MYSTERY... So if you have educated yourself on these "five senses" sources of learning then you are out of the loop of these secret spiritual matters. You will be confounded when you try to re-categorize your set of historical standard understandings (from serious middle eastern scholars) against another set of religious variables which are indeed stealthfully secretive.

Not that I believe or not but, it is said in the Bible that the fathers and mothers of the Babylonian religion each lived for several hundreds of years... Not only barely a century like the few fortunate humans today with good health. This would mean that the spiritual parents of Babylon had several hundred years in one brain and mind to concoct the Babylonian religion. This is the Bible's supposed reason why this secretive system is so boggling to our finite minds because we in only one hundred years of human growth are still in our infancy with our ability to reason. We become confounded by such spiritual loft as that of the mystery system.

Set, you simply demonstrate to the readers that this secretive system of Babylon works! It has the ability to render people blind and leave them in the dark professing wildly that it is lunacy and it does not exist. Has your reality been shattered Set? I know it's tough... You played right into the hands of the two faced mystery system and the religion face has kept you blissfully ignorant of its secretive presence in the world...

1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned .

Reply Thu 1 Oct, 2009 01:43 pm
Rex, Enrique, Erik, Heinrich, all mean "king" and are all from some vastly different languages and no coincidence?

Actually, that's not true. Enrique and Heinrich are just imitations of Erik. The Spanish word for King is rey. The German word for king is koenig. So, once again, you're just making **** up--you're as bad as, or worse, that Hislop. But so what? I suspect that all languages have a word which means "****." That's no good reason to subscribe to some crackpot, hateful religious bigotry conspiracy theory.

You know, it's really hypocritical of you to accuse me of unsightly insults. You have been spewing just as much hateful tripe as you can muster. I have no agenda here--you're the one who wants to insist upon your goofy religious conspiracy theory.

You cannot convince me that there is not a Babylonian mystery religion system presently on this planet.

Oh, i'm sure of that. But you're not the only one who reads here.

You openly are contradicting even what the Bible is clearly stating. You wrote 'There Never Was A Babylon Mystery Religion" when the Bible mentions it many times.

No it doesn't. You're lying again. The final verse of Revelation, Chapter 17, in the King James Version, reads:

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

It's talking about a city, Rex, and even if intended to be symbolic, it doesn't even hint that it's a religion. Show me a single passage in the Bible, Rex, that has the words "Babylon mystery religion," in that order. You can't do it. You've cobbled together this nonsense from an interpretation of scripture which allows you to believe that hateful religious bigotry that Hislop peddled.

For that matter, why should anyone believe something just because it's in the Bible? It is full of bullshit and contradictions. Compare the two genealogies given for your boy Jesus--they don't match. Look at the claim about Caesar Augustus decreeing a census, and that everyone should return to the town of their birth. As it happens, Augustus left a document behind which listed every "census" he conducted, and not a one of them are a match for the date on which your putative Jesus was alleged to have been born.

Was it also not Babylon who took the Hebrews into captivity or is that a myth too?

No, it wasn't, it was Nebuchadnezzar II who deported them to Babylon. No, there is no reason not to believe that is true. So what? It doesn't do anything to prove your goofy conspiracy theory.

What the hell do you think Ur has to do with Babylon, Rex. Is your geographic knowledge as fucked-up as your knowledge of history and language?

This is some of the goofiest **** i've ever seen anyone post here, and that's saying a lot. At least it's entertaining.
Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 10:03 am
Imitations of words are exactly how they love to jump from one pagan system to another.

If your name is Heinrich it still means king. If it is Enrique it still means king just as it means king in Old Norse Norwegian and as it meant king in Rome. This is only again an indicator that words do travel. And is Rey the word king in Spanish also an imitation of Ra the sun "king" of Egypt?. Thus Rex is probably a form of Ra. So you have only in your studies revealed the deeper meaning of the name Eric. Thus the roman form of Rex is "an imitation" of Ra from Egypt... All meaning "sun king"...

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Reply Fri 2 Oct, 2009 11:04 am

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

It's talking about a city, Rex, and even if intended to be symbolic, it doesn't even hint that it's a religion. Show me a single passage in the Bible, Rex, that has the words "Babylon mystery religion," in that order. You can't do it. You've cobbled together this nonsense from an interpretation of scripture which allows you to believe that hateful religious bigotry that Hislop peddled.

Set, this is what happened to me in my studies of Babylon when I first really took interest in the ancient city over twenty years ago.

I went to the library and took out as many books as I could on the subject. I really had no idea what I was looking for.

One book I remember was called “written in stone“. It was a rather dry book explaining how the Babylonians did not generally write on papyrus as did the Egyptians but they wrote by poking reeds into clay silt then baking these tablets in kilns or laying them out in the sun to harden them. They would collect the silt from the dredging of the Tigress and Euphrates rivers.

When I read a book it takes me a long time because I like to study the words so I can formulate them on my own after.

After studying all of the various ways they dried the clay and all of the many different types of writing that had been excavated from Babylon at the time this book was written I felt by the end of the book a bit unfulfilled. Like I hadn’t found what I had set out to learn from Babylon. I read night after night studying this book and learning of the mundane everyday life that an average Babylonian might have lived.

Then I studied another book and it was all about the Babylonian kings. The book tried to piece together the succession of Babylonian kings from their earliest time in Sumer to the time of Babylon’s decline. That was even drier than the “written in stone” book.

Set, the mystery of Babylon is not in her kings or her many tablets that tell of everyday life... it is in her religion. It was not until I realized this that I began to take out books that opened up my own learning into the mystery system of Babylonian religion. Now if you want to think the Bible, a religious book, is referring to Babylon and her beautiful hanging gardens or her ornate walls and gates, her tablets detailing mundane everyday life or even her tireless lineage of kings, go ahead and think that but I will speculate on my own that it is the religion of Babylon that the Bible is referring to.
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