Rex, Enrique, Erik, Heinrich, all mean "king" and are all from some vastly different languages and no coincidence? There are millions of other names that do exactly the same thing, they cross vastly different languages.
Set you have an agenda that supersedes simple plain reason. So the more confusion, rhetoric, unsightly insults you can generate makes you think you can derail this thread. For the simple purpose of and agenda to do just that. You were insulting me before I really even got to post a couple threads. As if you had the agenda before you even read what i had to say... You didn't insult me with a complex set of arguments you just insulted me. Agenda? Me? This only makes your opinion regarding this or any other issue jaded and suspect. You cannot convince me that there is not a Babylonian mystery religion system presently on this planet.
You openly are contradicting even what the Bible is clearly stating. You wrote 'There Never Was A Babylon Mystery Religion" when the Bible mentions it many times. I know you don't even care what the Bible says so who is intolerant? I at least see it as a historical document. Sometimes I think you Set simply ignore it and is that really middle east research or research with an agenda? The Bible has numerous mentions of Babylon and the religion thereof and shall I refresh your mind on these scriptures?
Was it also not Babylon who took the Hebrews into captivity or is that a myth too? Set overheated with your agenda that has no real foundational research approach to anything other than your own whimful will.
That is why your arguments are contradicting themselves in so many numerous ways. Go back to your middle eastern books for a few more years and maybe change that attitude of yours. You post some pathetic blurbs about language that you paste from the dictionary after more insults and expect that answers it all? Well it takes more than a trip to websters to erase what is at least historically written in the Bible. (I am not saying I agree with or disagree with the biblical scriptures concerning Babylon in the Bible I am just stating that they exist.) Then to convince me that these nearly identical pagan religions were not interconnected? Gosh, Greece and Rome are nearly carbon copies of one another and the Babylonian system MOST scholars agree is older. Just as the Greek and Roman pantheon was styled after the older Babylonian pantheon..
That is why Messopotamia for the last 100 years or so that I know of has been called "the cradle of civilization".
Set... I seriously don't even think you have an argument. Just because Hislop out of a very critical, exhaustive, word intensive book on a very complicated and far reaching topic made some blunderous errors in his research certainly does not then automatically erase his premise (nor that same premise from out of the Bible) that this Babylonian system existed then and still exists now.
Also, yes some languages vary greatly from other languages, so what is your point? In such vast variance there is still such a clear connection to names and religious terminology that only strengthens my own point... Rex, Enrique, Erik, Heinrich...
If you refuse to entertain that idea well then that is that reason why it is not visible to you.. Even Abraham was said to have come out of "Ur of the Chaldees". The father of many nations was also suspiciously Babylonian...
Why if in ancient times the king of Egypt wrote to the Babylon kings they wrote in Chaldee and if the Kings of Babylon wrote to the kings of Egypt they wrote in Chaldee? This only signifies that the Egyptians saw Babylonian culture and religion as an older ancestor of civilization. I am sure you will have some inane reply that is just as unconvincing as most of the other dictionary references you are peddling Set.
I sometimes think you just don't understand the meaning of the simple word "mystery". You can't admit it that it is you who has been left out of the loop. If it is a secret you won't find it in the dictionary... THAT IS WHY IT IS A SECRET or MYSTERY... So if you have educated yourself on these "five senses" sources of learning then you are out of the loop of these secret spiritual matters. You will be confounded when you try to re-categorize your set of historical standard understandings (from serious middle eastern scholars) against another set of religious variables which are indeed stealthfully secretive.
Not that I believe or not but, it is said in the Bible that the fathers and mothers of the Babylonian religion each lived for several hundreds of years... Not only barely a century like the few fortunate humans today with good health. This would mean that the spiritual parents of Babylon had several hundred years in one brain and mind to concoct the Babylonian religion. This is the Bible's supposed reason why this secretive system is so boggling to our finite minds because we in only one hundred years of human growth are still in our infancy with our ability to reason. We become confounded by such spiritual loft as that of the mystery system.
Set, you simply demonstrate to the readers that this secretive system of Babylon works! It has the ability to render people blind and leave them in the dark professing wildly that it is lunacy and it does not exist. Has your reality been shattered Set? I know it's tough... You played right into the hands of the two faced mystery system and the religion face has kept you blissfully ignorant of its secretive presence in the world...
1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned .