"BUSHWAR" as you call it, has not cost us what Obamacare will, and if it did, it was money spent on an existential threat as opposed to fulfilling a leftist agenda not required by real world considerations.
I will look after mine and theirs. I don't require you and yours to do so.
I was not born a Kennedy or Rockefeller. My wealth has been earned through the same applied principles that I have taught my children. I'm confident that they will achieve success similar to what I have managed.
If, by some quirk of fate or personal flaw they do not, I will spend my wealth to protect them. I will not ask you or yours to do so.
Is some form of heathcare reform necessary? Yes indeed.
Is socialized medicine necessary? Not at all.
All the utter bullshit the Democrats have attempted to feed us about their not wanting socialized medicine is just that.
You can disemble about what "The Public Option" means, but it is clear to anyone with half a brain that it means socialized medicine: a single payer plan: government run healthcare.
Each and every Dem leader, including Obama, has tipped his or her hand as respects The Public Option.
If you and they believe this is truly the savior of America...fine ---- just don't bullshit us about how you're not trying to establish socialized medicine.
Have the GD balls to admit what you are advocating and let the US populace decide what it wants.
Instead Obama & Co are attempting to game the American populace with euphemisims and out right lies.
If we disagree about the solution to America's healthcare problems, so be it.
If your view, expressed honestly, can garner majority approval, so be it.
Let's, though, have an honest contest of ideas, and not some horseshit elitists attempting to fool the American public for their own good.