@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:You can disemble about what "The Public Option" means, but it is clear to anyone with half a brain that it means socialized medicine: a single payer plan: government run healthcare.
I wish... if this was true, I would be advocating VERY strongly for it. Single payer makes the most sense for the masses, clearly, (IMO everyone) and anyone with half a brain should realize it.
I'll grant you "universal insurance" is perhaps the most idiotic plan ever conceived of. Guaranteeing private parasitic profit at the point of a government gun is the height of idiocy... and can only serve to preserve our present dilemma where maintaining ailment is more profitable than curing it... but the most logical solution will be found in your greatest fear: Single Payer.
Emergency room service ≠ an intelligently contemplated safety net. Everyone should realize this much. At the same time, obviously, the masses will never vote to deny themselves emergency room care. So, your desire that everyone pay their own way will never, ever, be realized. Hence, it only makes sense to cover healthcare needs in a more cost-effective manner.
Further, a single payer, not for profit, would be more interested in cures than maintenance and would have the buying power to make them more profitable. This is the only logical eventual conclusion, anyway. You simply cannot continue to convince a majority of citizens to vote in policy that is not in the majority's best interest.
Rich and poor alike will benefit from any transition that will set the focus on cures rather than maintenance. And this just happens to be an inevitable side-effect to that which you seem to fear most; Single Payer.
If a hole can be punched in this logic, Finn, I'm wide open to learning where I've gone astray. But I have yet to hear a compelling argument for how we could possibly be better off with our current system.
There is simply no reason that a general public that is taxed as severely as we already are shouldn't be able to use our collective bargaining power to obtain healthcare that focuses on the goal; CURES.
Just to be clear; this is NOT an endorsement of
any "universal insurance" plan.