This Makes Me Sick

Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 06:05 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Li'l Abner, Bi-Polar Bear? I'm embarrassed to admit I never heard of him. Is he a friend of Andy's and Opie's?
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 06:20 pm
not as sophisticated Laughing
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 07:10 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
, but right across the street in Hootin' Holler.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 07:20 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:
Your claiming a moral equivalency that doesn't match with reality.

The liberal wackos (and sure, with Google you can find them)... but they are on the fringe.

Although I didn't claim moral equivalency, I got curious about it once you brought it up. Sure, both sides have their wackos, and with Google you can find them -- but how many will you find in each case? I decided to gauge the question with a Google search: Of all the websites who mention Barack Obama, how many also use the n-word? How does it compare with Clarence Thomas? Here's the number of hits I found on various Google searches:

" 'Barack Obama' ": 71,800,000 hits
" 'Barack Obama' nigger": 242,000 hits
--> Share of presumable anti-Obama racists: 0.34%

" 'Clarence Thomas' ": 832,000 hits
" 'Clarence Thomas' nigger": 17,200 hits
--> Share of presumable anti-Thomas racists: 2.1%

To be sure, this test is nowhere close to scientifically bullet-proof. It counts actual racists the same as writers who merely report about racism. It counts websites without weighing their relative impact. I'm sure there are other shortcomings, too. This is a quick-and-dirty gauge of the issue, and that's all I'm claiming it to be. All that said, though, a web page talking about justice Thomas will also drop the n-word much more likely than a web page talking about president Obama will. So, even after accounting for the weaknesses of the Google search, I see no reason to assume that conservatives criticizing liberals are more likely driven by racism than liberals criticizing conservatives.

On the face of it, there seems to be more moral equivalence at the grass roots than I thought there was.
ebrown p
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 11:31 pm
Argument by Google hits Thomas? How pathetic.

And besides... I bet the two groups writing the web pages are the same people.
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 11:50 pm
@ebrown p,
Ebrown -- your whole shtick in this thread has been to call people who disagree with you pathetic. I am utterly unsurprised to hear you call my arguments pathetic -- with no further substantiation, and for no discernible reason but that they disagree with yours. I don't see any sense in arguing with you, and will therefore shut up now.
ebrown p
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 12:08 am
Bull Thomas. I have never said that everyone who disagrees with me is pathetic.

I am saying that people who compare Obama's healthcare plan with the Nazi's and spray painting swastikas on Congressional offices are pathetic. I am saying that the people who are spitting saliva on Congressional town halls are pathetic. I am saying that people who are refusing to accept Obama was born in the US or claiming the Democrats are planning "death panels" are pathetic.

(... and yes I am saying that using counts of Google searches as indicative of anything other than the fact they are losing an argument is pathetic)

Disagreeing with me is not the issue. There are reasonable people (even people I respect) who have disagreed with me on any number of topics - affirmative action, the size of the stimulus, the corporate bailout and even health reform. They are reasonable because they don't scream about Nazi's or death panels or armed revolt.

Come on Thomas. These people who have taken over the Republican party and the "conservative" movement in the US are a special kind of wacko.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 02:55 am
@ebrown p,
In my mind (seeing as there is so much documentation and since no other president has every been questioned this way)

Go back and read your history.
President Chester Arthur also underwent some serious questions about his birthplace.
He claimed to have been born in Vermont, but there was no birth certificate or any other proof that he was.


So tell me, was it a racial attack on President Arthur also?
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 03:04 am
Very likely.

What do YOU think it was?
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 03:06 am
I notice you blatantly ignore the fact that the man carrying that weapon had a legal right to do so, that he was being shadowed by two police officers, and that he did nothing wrong.

BTW, that picture was taken in Az.
But I knew, and posted on another thread, that someone from the left would instantly complain and wet their panties because a man was obeying the law by carrying a gun.


And here is my post about it...

Post: # 3,735,891
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 03:08 am
I dont know, I dont know enough about it.
But I very seriously doubt it was racist.

But the point was that ebrown said no President had ever undergone the serious questioning about his birthplace like Obama has.
I just showed otherwise.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 06:44 am
Yea, but Obama has shown his birth certificate, just not the long form (I don't even have my original birth certificate) and the state of Hawaii has confirmed he was born there. I am not sure it is racist, but it is just something else the conservatives blowhards have dreamed up and have used to against Obama despite the charge being debunked repeatedly.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 06:51 am
Legal or not is not issue(it should not be legal; regular gun is good enough for safety purposes, why don't you all just say owning an army tank is covered under the second amendment?) the police officers must of have been worried about it or they would not have been shadowing him. To me is just plain crazy for people to carrying around guns in a situation ripe with such potential voilence which is probably why the police were worried about it as well.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 04:53 pm
@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:

Sure you can find examples of wacko liberals if you look really hard enough.

But to claim that, right now, there is anything equal to the rabid, militant, paranoid, conspiracy-theory crazy being spread by elected officials and prominent media personalities.

There is no equivalence here.

I guess you've forgotten about that long-standing Democratic Senator (Ted Kennedy) who asserted that the Iraq war was waged for Republican political gain.

Or the extremely liberal Senator Jim Jeffords who believed that Bush had designs to invade Iran so that Jeb Bush would be elected president.

Or Howard Dean who theorized that the Saudis tipped off Bush prior to 9-11.

Or Al Gore who indicated he wouldn't nominate strict constructionist judges nominated for the supreme court because they might consider some people only three-fifths human.

Or Pelosi and Hoyer who claim insurance reform protestors are "un-american".

Just goes to show that stupidity and/or seizing on whacko theories in the heat of the moment is not exclusively a conservative trait. There are plenty of liberal politicians in leadership positions who have similarly stupid or even crazy things.

Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 05:57 pm
And if you go back and reread this entire thread, you will see that I agree with you.
I have said repeatedly that this whole thing is stupid.
My sister was also born in Hawaii, and she has the exact same certificate as Obama does.
It has allowed her to get a govt job, to get a passport, and to enjoy all of the other perks of being a citizen.

So this whole thing is a waste of time, IMHO.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 05:59 pm
Why would the cops have been worried?
The gun was being carried properly and safely, the man was outside, and there was no reason to consider him a threat.

As for owning an army tank, if the second amendment allowed it, I would.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 06:49 pm
This puts a new wrinkle in the Obama citizenship debate.
It seems even Obama's My Space page doesnt know exactly how old he is...


So, if he is 52, that means that Hawaii was NOT yet a state when he was born.
How could his own page get it wrong?
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2009 06:41 am
Ebrown, maybe you are right. I take it back.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2009 07:10 am
Sure. A website, where you can create a page under any name you want, is definitely a reliable source!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2009 09:05 am
These protesters have been getting pretty riled up and there has even been some fist fights at some of them, bringing guns into the mix just seems to me to be asking for trouble and I guess that is why the cops were shadowing that crazy guy carrying around an assault riffle in a situation so ripe for violence.

As for the army tanks, i imagine it won't be long until some gun nut says it is covered in the second amendment and you'll get your wish, maybe you will even be able to buy a fighter jet and fly it over the president when he is giving a public speech pretty soon. No need for the secret service to be worried about such a thing at all.

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