@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:Your claiming a moral equivalency that doesn't match with reality.
The liberal wackos (and sure, with Google you can find them)... but they are on the fringe.
Although I didn't claim moral equivalency, I got curious about it once you brought it up. Sure, both sides have their wackos, and with Google you can find them -- but how many will you find in each case? I decided to gauge the question with a Google search: Of all the websites who mention Barack Obama, how many also use the n-word? How does it compare with Clarence Thomas? Here's the number of hits I found on various Google searches:
" 'Barack Obama' ": 71,800,000 hits
" 'Barack Obama' nigger": 242,000 hits
--> Share of presumable anti-Obama racists: 0.34%
" 'Clarence Thomas' ": 832,000 hits
" 'Clarence Thomas' nigger": 17,200 hits
--> Share of presumable anti-Thomas racists: 2.1%
To be sure, this test is nowhere close to scientifically bullet-proof. It counts actual racists the same as writers who merely report about racism. It counts websites without weighing their relative impact. I'm sure there are other shortcomings, too. This is a quick-and-dirty gauge of the issue, and that's all I'm claiming it to be. All that said, though, a web page talking about justice Thomas will also drop the n-word much
more likely than a web page talking about president Obama will. So, even after accounting for the weaknesses of the Google search, I see no reason to assume that conservatives criticizing liberals are more likely driven by racism than liberals criticizing conservatives.
On the face of it, there seems to be more moral equivalence at the grass roots than I thought there was.