Your claiming a moral equivalency that doesn't match with reality.
The liberal wackos (and sure, with Google you can find them)... but they are on the fringe.
The Conservative wackos are the base. Look at these household names
Glen Beck who claims that Obama "hates white people" in a household name with a Fox news show.
Michelle Bachmann; A US Representative who claims Obama is a Muslim and that liberals should be investigated for being "anti-american".
Add Tancredo (who wants to bomb Mecca), Sarah Palin who thinks Democrats are going to kill her baby. ... and we haven't even gotten to Limbaugh yet. And the prominent voices hinting at armed rebellion.
Sure you can find examples of wacko liberals if you look really hard enough.
But to claim that, right now, there is anything equal to the rabid, militant, paranoid, conspiracy-theory crazy being spread by elected officials and prominent media personalities.
There is no equivalence here.