(a) In General- In accordance with the requirements of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall establish not fewer than 6 national emergency centers on military installations.
(b) Purpose of National Emergency Centers- The purpose of a national emergency center shall be to use existing infrastructure--
(1) to provide temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster;
(2) to provide centralized locations for the purposes of training and ensuring the coordination of Federal, State, and local first responders;
(3) to provide centralized locations to improve the coordination of preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of government, private, and not-for-profit entities and faith-based organizations; and
(4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Thats why I said "sort of".
Yes, there are 6 camps, yes they are for civilian use, and yes civilian labor would be involved, but that is where the similiarty ends.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Aug, 2009 06:22 pm
@Robert Gentel,
Not all death threats are created equal. Some are credible, the overwhelming majority are not. I've received death threats that I openly laughed at (from an idiot named Paulo Kull most recently who didn't even know what country I lived in but decided to let me know he'd kill me soon).
You sure do keep nice company, Robert.
0 Replies
Wed 4 Aug, 2010 07:20 pm
Let's have a reaction group to the birthers. We will call them the Transcripters. Their aim will be to obtain the alleged college transcripts of sarah palin.
We know that there is no way in hell this broad earned a degree honestly. The only purpose of the Transcripters is to count how many one night As palin earned!
Unlike sarah, I am not a lying emptyhead. I would gladly allow my credentials to be examined.
Shame on you for never having questioned palin for having a degree in something she never majored in . . . journalism. . . that her speech patterns give evidence that she could never have passed.
Journalism with a political science minor . . . her declarations of majors as she went back and forth through enrollments in five colleges, were business and general studies.