@Region Philbis,
<Shrug> There goes the neighborhood!
Of course, shortening the season was an idea whose time has come. This possibility is a movement in the right direction as the season has been far too long for far too long. Playing the World Series with the chances of snow and very cold weather is less-than-ideal. Starting the season later would also be smart as the northern and northeastern cities are still too cold for the first 2-3 weeks (or more) of the year.
The minor effect on the pitching and hitting records (HR, hitting avg, ERA,
W- L stats) will have an asterisk as they do for the 154 game-seasons of the past. No biggie!
As for expanding to Montreal ...
Montrealers historically are not big baseball fans. Plus then there's that cold weather. Putting a team in Montreal is still not a good idea. The team had failed there when they had the Expos (1969-2004). What has changed now since the Expos left town ?