Just because a woman lied against you does not mean every woman will do the same thing. My husband and i were fine until we got married and these things happened. He's response to me is, he has every rights as i'm his wife.
How would you feel if it ever happened to your wife or daughter? Would you call them liars or tell the court it's not true.
You cannot understand how it feels unless you go through it. And yes my husband did use harmful objects to get what he wants. He would hit me with my pregnancy and tell me he doesn't care wether we die or not. Why should io now allow him to see his daughter when he nearly killed her before she was even born and also kill her mum.
I DO NOT think it's appropiate for a man to force a woman for sex unless she consents to it. NO means NO. Regardless of the lady been his wife, IT'S NOT RIGHT.
Think what you wanna think but men that rapes women and think they can get away with because of power, will not.
I will not give up until i get justice done. I have witness, his ex to be precised. She's too scared to say anything, he got away with her but he will not get away with me. I must get justice and stop him from hurting any other women in the future.
If you do not have anything better to say then don't say nothing at all. When i get justice i will inform you.