Nice - love that line!
Seriously I work for a large international company. This employee actually got his current job by applying internally - he was working elsewhere. He has always told me he loves the company and is very loyal - so at least on the surface, he is saying he wants to stay here is some capacity.
Now it is known that our company does not compensate well with high raises and like I said he has worked here a few years. They tend to compensate with other benefits including bonuses (which are pretty substancial). It has been announced ahead of time due to the economy and losses (what company hasn't) that positions over level x will not get raises and those below will be targeted at 2%.
He gets over 2% - no mention before of his dissatisfaction so the bonehead puts this in his comment field rather than saying something more mature and reasonable about the disappointment in the low raises and I would even have no issue with saying it is below the cost of living. But to give an economics lesson (and to top it off I have a masters in eco and so does his direct manager)? I ask this question, if you were to get this individual applying for a job and you read in his comment field a version of eco 101 written as an exam question, would you hire him?