ossobuco wrote:
I get dumber by the day, but what is this about?
You don't like that I notice that you tend to zone in on thirteen year olds and go on for pages at them?
I'm not against you, chai, as if that mattered to anyone, including you, but I've never thought all the battering on thirteen year olds is somehow cute.
oh you think you are so smart osso with you osso hands waving and your friends to and saying who do YOU like well that IS NONE of your buesness!!!!
No, I have nothing against you ossso, and I don't need to PM you.
Apparantly you thought that this was all about reading the note, which in itself is not funny at all.
It didn't occur to me that you, or anyone here was going to simply read the damn thing, without listening to the audio.
Without the audio, it's nothing. With the audio, it's really funny.
Okay, if you don't like Sir John, imagine it being read in the voice of Peter O'Toole, intonating like King Lear.
Just, as, in the made up sentence to you, imagine me saying it in the voice of Ian McKellan.