Coming home yesterday I hear an odd tiny scream over and over and over again.
I get Jillian out of the car and get her up the stairs.. grab my grocery bags and run them up stairs and start walking to the street where this screaming is.
And there.. right in the middle of the street is a nest, a dead baby bird.. flat as a pancake, and two others.
I watch for a very long time and do not see a mother.
So I made the ultimate wild bird no no decision and take the two surviving birds.
Inside, I made some blood worms and fish meal using the live and flash frozen foods I feed my fish and voila.. one just pops to life. The other is laying here dying next to me.
Yes. I have gotten the lecture about picking up a wild bird. I know I know I know.. DONT DO IT!
But it is done.
And now, after 3 night feedings and 2 feedings this morning, Im going to make my absolute best effort to keep this chick alive and hopefully let him go once he can fly.
now what?
I have been reading for the past hour on how to feed and luckily my gut instinct was right when it came to what to feed and how.
I have prepared some water softened Dr Weil cat food with a few grains of cane sugar in it..
No excess water -check
Warm towel-check
Look bird over for bugs and overly red skin-check - bird looks healthy by all accounts
Check poop for worms-check
Inside of mouth should be a warm pink color, esophagus open - check
bird bounces and makes noise- check
now what?
........feeding time again.........
every 2-3 hours.
oh dear.