dyslexia wrote:
david, having lived in arizona I would assume you realize the utter stupidity of implementing
an impenetrable fence the length of the US/Mexico border.
U give me too much credit.
I really don 't; when I lived there, over 50 years ago,
I never approached Mexico. That did not occur to me.
During the 1980s, at the instance of my uncle,
I spent a few hours there; we went in thru Texas, where he lived.
It felt good to get out of there.
I don 't know much about Mexico, but I am under the impression
that we have a tall, tho permeable, fence there because I saw it on TV,
including patches that the Border Patrol put over holes that the Mexicans cut into it.
I feel that we shoud defend America from intruders
the same as we defend our homes from intruders.
I understand that the Mexican invaders are disproportionately (violent) criminals.