I talked to Phoenix within the past half hour. She sounds as strong as ever, which is very strong, and is planning to return home two days from now. Seemed more interested in talking about you guys, than how the operation went. Some people are like that.
Great news, Ratikins. Thanks for letting us know.
Ok, now you made me cry.
Thanks for the wonderful news.
Aaah. A sigh of relief. Great news. The Phoenix is one tough cookie.
Phew... <breathes sigh of relief> Thanks Roger. x
thinking about Phoenix this morning, she had months to look forward, plan, fret, worry, anticipate, much the same as Osso and her eyes. I went to a local clinic for a routine x-ray and woke post operation, it was done and over with. I'm thinking I had it easy.
I plan to phone Phoenix later this morning just to say I never liked her and hope she never visits me again.
Wonderful! Thanks so much for finding out and for letting us know, Roger.
What great Fourth of July news! Now they can set off the fireworks.
Thanks for all the good wishes. No, I don't have a laptop, and today is the first day that I have been strong enough to march around, and check out the place.
Apparently, my condition was a bit more than what my &*)+ cardiologist anticipated. I ended up with both an aortic valve replacment, and a single bypass .I think that I will be changing docs when I get home. I don'y know where you got the idea, Rog, but I think that I will be here for at least a few more days.
This place is unbelievable. I have been in many hospitals in my life, but have never had the kind of service that they provide here. I am in a brand new, single room (all the rooms in this section are single) and every one here has been just wondrful.
Arthur is staying at a hotel that is connected to the hospital by a walkway, which is really convenient. I plan to stay a few more days after I am discharged.
I'll be checking in with all of you from time to time. I am still very tired, but I have been pushing to gain my strength. Love to you all.
Thanks for the update, Phoenix! All the very best!
Phoenix! Great to hear from you! I'm glad you're recovering and will be out soon.
Not glad to hear that things were a bit more than expected. Still, you're walking around.
Sounds like a great place. If you gotta be in the hospital, why not be somewhere that treats you well.
So good to hear from you Phoenix and know you're doing well after such a big op. Glad hubby is there too and you can be together
Take your time girl - heal well. Love to you. x
I was told by a doctor friend that heart surgery is just about the most sucessful there is--after catarrac surgery (it's just that the latter can't be spelled). The best of recoveries, Phoenix.