BillRM wrote:
Foxfyre we have two questions here one of your believe in a supernatural story and the other in a claim driven by your need to find some backing in the real universe for your god/human existing at least as a man.
Could a religion/cult leader had existed by the name of Jesus in that area and in that time period yes he could indeed had existed without question. No one on this thread had said otherwise.
The problem you seem not to be able to get over is that there happen to be no solid evidence and in fact little evidence of any kind that such a man did in fact exist unlike many others religion leaders in history such as Muhammad.
You do not sadly have the comfort of knowing that your human/god for sure was at least a man in the historic records but then why would you need such comfort as you need to take his supernatural components on faith alone in any case?
Your assumption that I 'need comfort' is in itself an ad hominem argument. It more especially is when I previously very explicitly said that I did not. I am on much firmer ground stating what I think, believe, need, want than is your presumption of what I think, believe, need, or want when I have not advised you of such.
I believe there is more evidence for the physical existence of Jesus than there is for many historical figures for whom you (or anybody else) have not cast doubt as to their existence. That does not suggest that those other historical figures do not exist.
I believe there is more evidence for some historical figures than what we have for Jesus, but you to therefore infer that Jesus did not exist is not a reasonable argument. For you to state that there is little or no evidence for the existence of Jesus when such evidence has been clearly presented on this thread is in my opinion an example of stubborn denial.
Who I or anybody else believes Jesus to have been is irrelevent to this thread. Whether he did or did not exist is the question. In my opininon, no serious scholar has ever concluded that he in fact did not exist even when some set out to prove that he didn't.
So my question to you remains. Why are you working so hard to insist that there is little or no evidence that he lived? Why would that be threatening to anybody?