Advocate is invited to read the following since he is dead wrong in his conclusions:
Whites voted for McCain 55-43% - Obama got the most white vote of any Democrat recent history, very similar to Clinton's percentage.
Blacks 95%-4% Around the same for the past 4 elections, blacks ALWAYS vote this way for democrats. Get off your high racist horse pal, only 2% more blacks voted this election than last...11% last election to 13% this election, yeah they totally caused the win.
Hispanics voted 66%-31% for Obama, the best EVER result for a DEMOCRAT, not sure why the moron who originally posted this said take a wild guess being as hispanics are less likely to vote democrat.
Women - 56% of the female vote went to Obama, exceeding the usual Democrat advantage. Although he lost the white women vote by over 7 points.
Men - 41% of white males voted for Obama, making him the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter to take more than 38% in this category.
First Timers - Overall, this also helped Obama secure a high number of first time voters; 71% of whom voted Democrat. McCain only managed to secure 29% of first-time voters, compared to 53% for John Kerry in 2004.
Catholic - Nearly 25 per cent of U.S. adults - about 30 million - are Catholic and 54 per cent of them voted for pro-abortion Obama as opposed to 46 per cent for McCain.
Asians - 63% of Asian voters went to the ballot for Obama and 34% for McCain.
Jewish - 78% of the Jewish vote went to Obama. Jewish support - which made up 2% of the overall electorate - has, in recent years, been overwhelmingly Democrat; with Al Gore receiving 79% in 2000 and John Kerry 74% in 2004.
High Earners - 53% of voters who earned $200,000 or more in 2007 voted for Obama. McCain - who was expected to triumph amongst the wealthy, succeeded in polling only 45% of these voters.
Crazy People(Evangelicals) - 73% of white evangelicals backed McCain and 25% backed Obama. This was a boost of 4 points for the Democrats from 2004, who traditionally struggle in rural areas, where many of this category live.
Clinton Supporters - 84% of Democrats who intially voted for Hillary Clinton in the primaries voted for Obamas.
end of quote.
It is clear that Blacks and Latinos were the key in BO's election. MOST whites voted for McCain.
Since you appear to be highly misinformed about many things, I am sure that you do not know that the the IQ of the average black person in the US is AT THE VERY LEAST, 10 points below the average white IQ. If you don't know that, you don't know very much about ethnic groups in the USA.
At least 16 Million Blacks( we won't even reference the Latino vote) voted for BO.
Now BO will repay his constituency by radically redistributing wealth and thereby ruining the US economy!