genoves wrote:
It is clear that experts on cognitive studies show that African-Americans have IQ levels which are ten or fifteen points below white levels
Based on an overall average, perhaps. This tells us nothing. One needs a histogram, based on classes of gradated IQ's, within subcategories. Meaning, one histogram for all American Blacks. One histogram for Blacks of West Indian descent. One histogram for Jewish-Americans. One histogram for White Protestant Americans. One histogram for White Catholics. One histogram for White Northerners. One histogram for White Southerners. One histogram for White Westerners. One histogram for Southern Blacks. One histogram for Northern Blacks. Each histogram should also show the respective percentage of the total White or Black populations in the U.S.
If one then draws a line connecting the tops of the histogram rankings, one has separate bellcurves for each subcategory.
Then one can make some inferences from the data. Averages (the "mean") do not necessarily show anything of import. There is also the mode, and the median. For society, the mode might be most telling.
If you tell me that you value the "mean" (arithmetical average), that is an opinion you have every right to have. Do not try to promulgate it to me.
P.S. My thinking reflects one year of college statistics. Any reply you respond with will be going to the proverbial File 13. Save your typing skills for other posts, please.