Hi, Osso!
Happy to know that you are getting better!
Osso, Butrflynet brought me up to date last night. Im so relieved and happy about your successful surgery. I know you've looked forward to this for such a long time. Maybe both of us will be in better health next year.
at this moment Lady Diane is with Osso who is getting a post-procedure checkup on her eye, she has to go back in one week but so far she is doing very well other than reading.
SO glad to hear the good news!
Lady Diane just called fro Hosp, Osso all done, they are coming to pick me up as they want to go out to lunch, I'm thinking Osso is feeling pretty good.
Hi, all.. Now I can type again. Yesterday's constraint was that I could only see out of the left eye, and that one doesn't read easily, though easier on the computer than, say, reading the New Yorker, which was impossible even with a magnifying glass.
Today, as Dys said, was the post surg check up. A different woman walked out than the one who went in. The one who went in had spent much of yesterday doing funny maneuvers around the house. Oops, that's the closet door.. finding my ordinary somewhat fast walk unwise...
and was more timid/weird in space than usual, which is saying something.
The one who came out had her balance back, and could read the chart well and that will improve over the next week. I can already see the computer better than I have in years - no strain. I didn't expect at all that I would see this well. The improvement is similar to what Panzade described, just amazing. I'll be taking five kinds of eye drops (adds up to 14 total per day) for the next week, then taper off to the usual eye pressure drops.
The doc was nearly as happy as I was, very happy, and said so. He had been confident, but there is always the possibility.. and we had been talking about the surgery for quite a long time.
I'm a little odd, but I've always liked eye surgery for the show; even the horrible-result first one had been interesting visually - though this one not as wild in color as some other surgeries that went deeper into eye doodoo. This time I enjoyed the talk around the op table, and the background music (Marvin Gaye and Lyle Lovett) and I could swear I heard someone in the room singing momentarily. Might have been the surgeon.
On computers and eye strain, I've read a lot about it. One thing I recently learned is that for people with dry eye syndrome (me, with the crazy left eye), it is recommended to put the screen lower than usual, so you are looking down - it apparently cuts down on blinking, which can be irritating to the dry eye. I'll move things around here on the desk in the next day or two and try that.
Lunch, D and D and I went to Calico Cafe, an old haunt, but since we don't do restaurants all that much anymore, a treat for all of us. It wasn't crowded as it was at an odd hour during the week, so the staff and us had some camaraderie.
Well, whatever restaurant Dys is in usually blossoms in camaraderie by definition.
Quote:A different woman walked out than the one who went in. The one who went in had spent much of yesterday doing funny maneuvers around the house. Oops, that's the closet door.. finding my ordinary somewhat fast walk unwise...
and was more timid/weird in space than usual, which is saying something.
The one who came out had her balance back, and could read the chart well and that will improve over the next week. I can already see the computer better than I have in years - no strain. I didn't expect at all that I would see this well. The improvement is similar to what Panzade described, just amazing. .....
That is just fantastic, osso!
I feel so happy for you!
Here's to that. I know you got a new vigor when you got some help from an orthopedist recently, and I know you've been through "normal" cataract surgery and found a great improvement too.
So glad for the good news.
Osso, Happy for you and doing a virtual Snoopy supper time dance.
Smiling--and relieved.
Roberta posts links? Who knew? Next thing we know, realjohnboy will be posting graphs.
I posted a picture of Snoopy doing his suppertime dance. Didn't it show up? If not, sorry.

For stubborn images try uploading the image to...
Osso's post made me very happy, too!
That is just GREAT!!!
That worked. Roberta's just looked like a hyperlink.
Thanks, both.