Ptui, that was Diane. I bought a steak. I'm not much of a steak girl in recent years, but I'm planning on having some tomorrow, after the famoso surgery.
Tonight, some nice'a chicken mushroom curry chile onion soup.
With buon'fortuna I'll post myself later tomorrow but the Dys will beat me to it.
Tap tap tap (sardonic).
It looks like I missed a bullet, as they say. The sister of one of the friends in LA - the sister with the radical eye problem that I didn't mention on that thread yet since I'm waiting for myself to download photos before continuing on that basically wonderful trip talk - just had to cancel her surgery because of a f. cold.
I have to be there at 6 a.m.. (even the doc wants to get it over with already). Diane picks me up at 5:20 - not our usual awake period. Snow semi expected. Drama queen...