can someone tell me about ann coulter?

Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 07:29 am
i went to her website and saw this "reporters who are allowed to interview her again"

and then a short list

i was like wtf?

im thinking shes some crazy person who writes books and spreads hate to get fame, drama = $

whats your opinion?
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Type: Question • Score: 23 • Views: 12,625 • Replies: 199

Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 07:34 am
Don't worry your pretty little head about her, OG. She's ridiculous.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 07:35 am
she would have been the minister of information in nazi germany

more specifically she would have been the face of the ministry of information

she practically was for the last reich

Green Witch
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 07:41 am
I agree.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 08:36 am
I notice that so far, there is a lot of name calling, but no actual fact in this thread. If she's so bad, one should be able to describe specific things she's actually done, shouldn't one?
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 09:14 am
Oh, let's not.

The Republicans lost, Obama's in the White House, and it's a new day. Coulter is yesterday's news.
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 09:16 am
She tells it pretty much like it is; that has to sound hateful to hateful people like demoKKKrats.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 09:22 am
Eva wrote:

Oh, let's not.

The Republicans lost, Obama's in the White House, and it's a new day. Coulter is yesterday's news.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 09:43 am
She is to writing what Rush Limbaugh is to broadcast media. She tickles folks like Gungasnake by calling "liberals" bad names.

You are right. Drama = $.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 09:56 am
She has said that John Edwards is a faggot and that the media, including Chris Matthews, want to have sex with Obama. And yet her books are on the best sellers lists, and her columns appear in many right-wing organs. This doesn't speak well of our citizenry.

For an interesting debate between Ann and Joy Behar, see http://news.aol.com/political-machine/2009/02/20/ann-coulter-vs-the-views-joy-behar/
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 11:26 am
Ann Coulter is a hate monger for hire.

My two doggies would pee on her head.

Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 11:36 am
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:

Ann Coulter is a hate monger for hire.

My two doggies would pee on her head.

you're two dogs would pee on my foot.
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ebrown p
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 11:39 am
She has said that John Edwards is a faggot and that the media, including Chris Matthews, want to have sex with Obama. And yet her books are on the best sellers lists, and her columns appear in many right-wing organs. This doesn't speak well of our citizenry.

It takes a very small percentage of the "citizenry" to make a book into a best seller.

The "success" of Coulter's books says a lot about her audience... but very little about us citizens in general.

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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 11:45 am
to answer your original question.....He's the poster boy for gender modification...
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 12:56 pm
She is nothing more then a paid antagonist.

Since ( sadly ) you can judge how many people buy into stupid **** like her by simply looking at her sales numbers, I agree with Ebrown.

its embarrassing what the majority of the sheeple will read and follow
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 01:34 pm
In Coulter's defense, nobody has been more critical of George W. Bush or the Republican congress than she has. Her scholarship is impeccable, and if she was directing her barbs at conservatism instead of liberalism, most of you guys would be laughing your butts off and praising her name.

Like Limbaugh, she does occasionally wander too far into the area of bad taste, and she intentionally says something outrageously politically incorrect or provocative that makes it onto all the blogs, editorial pages, and newscasts just before she has a new book come out. (That ensures that the book will make the best seller list and they all do.)

Here's how she deals with reporters who do misrepresent her position, but where is the 'ridiculous' or 'hate speech'?:

Importing a slave class
By Ann Coulter
© 2009

Apparently, my position on immigration is that we must deport all 12 million illegal aliens immediately, inasmuch as this is billed as the only alternative to immediate amnesty. The jejune fact that we "can't deport them all" is supposed to lead ineluctably to the conclusion that we must grant amnesty to illegal aliens " and fast!

Im astounded that debate has sunk so low that I need to type the following words, but: No law is ever enforced 100 percent.

We can't catch all rapists, so why not grant amnesty to rapists? Surely no one wants thousands of rapists living in the shadows! How about discrimination laws? Insider trading laws? Do you expect Bush to round up everyone who goes over the speed limit? Of course we can't do that. We can't even catch all murderers. What we need is "comprehensive murder reform." It's not "amnesty" " we'll ask them to pay a small fine.

If it's "impossible" to deport illegal aliens, how did we come to have so much specific information about them? I keep hearing they are Catholic, pro-life, hardworking, just dying to become American citizens and will take jobs other Americans won't. Someone must have talked to them to gather all this information. Let's find that guy " he must know where they are!

How do we even know there are 12 million of them? Why not 3 million, or 40 million? Maybe we should put the guy who counted them in charge of deporting them.

If the 12-million figure is an extrapolation based on the number of illegal immigrants in public schools or emergency rooms and well-manicured lawns in Brentwood, then shouldn't we be looking for them at schools and hospitals and well-manicured lawns in Brentwood?

I believe the shortage of unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans we experienced in the '60s has been remedied by now.

Since Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act, more than half of all legal immigrants have been unskilled, non-English-speaking Mexicans. America takes in roughly 1 million legal immigrants each year. Only about 30,000 of them have Ph.D.s. Why on earth would any rational immigration policy discriminate against immigrants with Ph.D.s in favor of unskilled, non-English-speaking immigrants?

Say, don't Ph.D.s and other skilled workers have more influence on government policy than unskilled workers? Aren't they more likely to bend a president's ear? Yes, I believe they are! Noticeably, the biggest proponents of the government's policy of importing a huge underclass of unskilled workers are not themselves unskilled workers.

The great bounty of cheap labor by unskilled immigrants isn't going to hardworking Americans who hang drywall or clean hotel rooms " and who are having trouble getting jobs, now that they're forced to compete with the vast influx of unskilled workers who don't pay taxes.

The people who make arguments about "jobs Americans won't do" are never in a line of work where unskilled immigrants can compete with them. Liberals love to strike generous, humanitarian poses with other people's lives.

Something tells me the immigration debate would be different if we were importing millions of politicians or Hollywood agents. You lose your job, while I keep my job at the Endeavor agency, my Senate seat, my professorship, my editorial position or my presidency. (And I get a maid!)

The only beneficiaries of these famed hardworking immigrants " unlike you lazy Americans " are the wealthy, who want the cheap labor while making the rest of us chip in for the immigrants' schooling, food and health care.

These great lovers of the downtrodden " the downtrodden trimming their hedges " pretend to believe that their gardeners' children will be graduating from Harvard and curing cancer someday, but 1) they don't believe that; and 2) if it happened, they'd lose their gardeners.

Not to worry, Marie Antoinettes! According to "Alien Nation" author Peter Brimelow, "There is recent evidence that, even after four generations, fewer than 10 percent of Mexicans have post-high school degrees, as opposed to nearly half of non-Mexican-Americans." So you'll always have the maid. As New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, our golf fairways would suffer without illegal immigrants: "You and I both play golf; who takes care of the greens and the fairways on your golf course?"

We fought a civil war to force Democrats to give up on slavery 150 years ago. They've become so desperate for servants that now they're importing an underclass to wash their clothes and pick their vegetables. This vast class of unskilled immigrants is the left's new form of slavery.

What do they care if their servants are made citizens eligible to vote and collect government benefits? Aren't the fabulously rich happy in Venezuela? Oops, wrong example. Brazil? No, no, let me try again. Mexico! ... Well, no matter. What could go wrong?

And one of her most scathing columns taking on President Bush with whom she strongly disagreed. Again where is the 'hate speech'?

Read My Lips: No New Amnesty
by Ann Coulter

On the bright side, if President Bush's amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants ends up hurting Republicans and we lose Congress this November, maybe the Democrats will impeach him and we'll get Dick Cheney as President.

At least Bush has dropped his infernal references to slacker Americans when talking about illegal immigrants. In his speech Monday night, instead of 47 mentions of "jobs Americans won't do," Bush referred only once to "jobs Americans are not doing" -- which I take it means other than border enforcement and intelligence-gathering at the CIA. For the record, I'll volunteer right now to clean other people's apartments if I don't have to pay taxes on what I earn.

Also, someone must have finally told Bush that the point about America being a "nation of immigrants" is moronic. All nations are "nations of immigrants" -- as Peter Brimelow pointed out brilliantly in his 1992 article in National Review on immigration, which left nothing for anyone else to say.

Of the "nation of immigrants" locution, Brimelow says:

"No discussion of U.S. immigration policy gets far without someone making this helpful remark. As an immigrant myself, I always pause respectfully. You never know. Maybe this is what they're taught to chant in schools nowadays, a sort of multicultural Pledge of Allegiance. ... Do they really think other nations sprouted up out of the ground?"

Brimelow then ran through the Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman-French, Welsh and Celtic immigrant influences in Britain alone.

Instead of a moratorium on new immigration, I'd settle for a moratorium on the use of the expression "We're a nation of immigrants." Throw in a ban on "Diversity is our strength" and you've got my vote for life.

Bush has also apparently learned that the word "amnesty" does not poll well. On Monday night, he angrily denounced the idea of amnesty just before proposing his own amnesty program. The difference between Bush's amnesty program and "amnesty" is: He'd give amnesty only to people who have been breaking our laws for many years -- not just a few months. (It's the same program that allows Teddy Kennedy to stay in the Senate.)

Bush calls this the "rational middle ground" because it recognizes the difference between "an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years." Yes, the difference is: One of them has been breaking the law longer. If our criminal justice system used that logic, a single murder would get you the death penalty, while serial killers would get probation.

Bush claimed the only other alternative -- I assume this is the "irrational extreme" -- is "a program of mass deportation." Really? Is the only alternative to legalizing tax cheats "a program of mass arrest of tax cheats"?

This is the logic of the pro-abortion zealots (aka "the Democratic Party"): Either lift every single restriction on abortion or ... every woman in America will be impregnated by her father and die in a back-alley abortion!

Those are your only two answers? Do you need another minute?

How about the proposal made by Brimelow that illegal immigrants be told they have two months to leave the country voluntarily and not have their breaking of our immigration laws held against them when they apply for citizenship from their home countries -- or not leave and be banned from U.S. citizenship forever?

Or how about just not giving illegal aliens green cards -- as Bush is proposing -- and deport them when we catch them?

Instead of choosing immigrants based on the longevity of their lawbreaking, another idea is to choose the immigrants we want, for example, those who speak English or have special skills. (And by "special skills" I don't mean giving birth to an anchor baby in a border-town emergency room.)

Why not use immigration the way sports teams use the draft -- to upgrade our roster? We could take our pick of the world's engineers, doctors, scientists, uh ... smoking-hot Latin guys who stand around not wearing shirts between workouts. Or, you know, whatever ...

As Peter Brimelow says in his book "Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster," why not choose immigrants who are better than us?

Bush thinks it's not fair to favor people with special skills -- a policy evidenced by his Harriet Miers pick.

How about this: It's not fair to want to go out with someone just because that person is attractive and has a good personality because it discriminates against people who are ugly with bad social skills! That's our immigration policy.

Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 01:41 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

Ann Coulter
"On the bright side, if President Bush's amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants ends up hurting Republicans and we lose Congress this November, maybe the Democrats will impeach him and we'll get Dick Cheney as President."

well that clarifies my nazi position, she wanted that evil douche bag to run the country, well i suppose run the country from some other position than the sidelines
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 02:02 pm
For someone who's "scholarship is impeccable", she sure does conflate Bush with Democrats and "liberals" a lot.
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 02:06 pm
Yes, over on the Conservatism in American 2008 and Beyond thread, most of those who identify with Modern American Conservatives are pretty much in agreement that President Bush was too often not one of us especially in fiscal responsibility and appreciation of smaller, more effective government. Certainly his big government program ideas and his view on immigration were well left of center .

I think Coulter was dead on accurate in her assessment of that.
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Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 02:11 pm
djjd62 wrote:

Foxfyre wrote:

Ann Coulter
"On the bright side, if President Bush's amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants ends up hurting Republicans and we lose Congress this November, maybe the Democrats will impeach him and we'll get Dick Cheney as President."

well that clarifies my nazi position, she wanted that evil douche bag to run the country, well i suppose run the country from some other position than the sidelines

Well while only fair and kind-hearted liberals use phrases like 'evil douche bag'--Coulter rarely ever uses phrases like that even as she is excoriated for hate speech--I did think that was one of her better lines from the piece.

My favorite however was this one:
Bush thinks it's not fair to favor people with special skills -- a policy evidenced by his Harriet Miers pick.

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