Dear Mr. President

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 08:44 am
but my fur is translucent. makes great wabbit toilet paper....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 10:29 am
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:

gotcha. and in the context of my use, you don't have to be female to be a ****. who knows or cares of massagato's gender? Wink

although we disagree on many things I have no problem with you at all David and hope you feel the same.

I do.
I always have.

I must add, I am quite fond of Setanta.

a great thing is that we can pick and choose who we like or dislike around here without worry of how it may effect our other internet forum relationships.

You may not believe this, and I hope you're sitting down....but there are people here who don't like me. Laughing

Well, its a lot less brutal than it used to be on Abuzz.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 11:43 am
that's because most of the truly low life scumbags took a powder. I hang on to give people an opportunity to feel better than me....you know....as a public service.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 11:48 am
What a f*ckin' Prince ! ! !
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 11:55 am
I'm here for ya big dawg. Actually you and I are kindred spirits like it or not....both tolerated because our ladies are so well loved. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 11:59 am
What makes you think i'm tolerated?
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 12:06 pm
the agape brotherly love I have for you.....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 12:08 pm
Damn, Bear . . . not in front of the other guys . . .
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 12:38 pm
it's okay...didn't you noticed that when I hugged you I also slapped your back real hard 4 times?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 04:55 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:


alv, you're kinda over reacting a little, don't ya think??

btw, as far as i know, obama didn't tell fatso to shut up; what i heard was him saying to republicans something like "you can't just listen to rush limbaugh..."

there's a difference.

I'm not really bothered by what Obama said; as long as he just keeps it at that level, it's just politics.

yup. if obama were telling rush not to broadcast, that would be another story. in any case, somebody somewhere needs to get it through limbaugh's melon that he could put his airtime, and influence, to better use by not continuing to foster divisiveness. if only for the logical reason that there's safety in numbers.

i'd like to see the same from far-left leaning talking heads as well.

in the way i'm thinking about it, neither side seems to realize that it was the 50+% of the country that considers itself moderate or middle of the road that elected obama, from what i can tell.

the inference is that most americans have had enough of refighting the '60s and wants to see progress, not mud fights.

But tell me, DTOM (especially considering your name), what do you make of a so-called lib like bi man taking a position such as this?


I would never put you in a camp....but if I woke up tomorrow and found out you'd been taken to one my response would be, according to the time of day either "What's for breakfast?", "What's for lunch?" or "What's for dinner"?
I don't even know you and in this country if you don't know a victim then they're collateral damage, right?

This has to bug you, right? His entire outlook on the government has to bug the **** out of you, I would think.

i think he's totally takin' the piss with you. guys like bi-po and i would be one of the types they'd come after first. (** heh..)

here's a few thoughts about the stuff below...

I believe our constitution would prevent anything such as 1933 Germany taking place here.

4 words...; Department of Homeland Security. 2 words...; Guantanamo Bay. 3 words...; Warrentless Wire Tapping. 1 word...; Rendition.

13 words...; If They Will Do It With You, They Will Do It To You.

and the final 9 words...; You Can't Put The Toothpaste Back In The Tube.

the thing you fear has already started. the continuous railing about liberals, artists (haw-leeee-woooooddd), musicians **, academics, homosexuals and free spirits? what do you think that is? 'tain't love for fellow americans.

the bush years fostered a lot of overly dramatic nationalism coupled with a disdain and disregard for the rest of the global community. the interests of multi-national corporations had undue influence on U.S. policies at home and abroad, open proclamation of a party's "permanent Majority", pushed towards hero worship of a new warrior class (through no fault of the soldiers themselves, btw), demonization of those deemed to be less than "real americans"; often for making use of their first amendment rights.

we've met the enemy, and they are us...

don't think so? try getting on a plane without emptying your pockets and taking half your clothes off. that's not the kind of freedom i can believe in. howz 'bout you?

But why do Americans believe we're immune from such things and better than any other people who have ever lived? The power of our constitution comes from us; yet clowns such as bi man would wonder about his next meal as people were being led to camps?

ehh, as i said above; i don't think either one of us would be free long enough to see anyone but each other led away

Give them a cult figure they can obsess over, hard times that make them blame others, and their tendency for short sightedness and demand for immediate results, and I don't think we're immune from a fascist government here in the US.

do you not think that george w. bush was elevated to nearly divine status for the first 4 or 5 years? i urge you to really look around at how different american life is now as opposed to how it was in the '90s. the 9/11 attack has been used to rationalize and justify (with lots of, uhhh... interpretation of the constitution. oddly, this interpretation has been done by the same folks who have interpreted it to mean that the right to privacy really means that you have no right to privacy; meaning of course the treatment of gay marriage and abortion. both are right there with your right to free speech and privacy in your contacts with others.

again, these things and others i've already mentioned above have already occurred; "a cult figure they can obsess over, hard times that make them blame others, and their tendency for short sightedness and demand for immediate results".

Who thought it would be 'progressives' leading the charge?

?? the way i heard it was "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." remind you of anyone?

Watch how quickly free speech is quelled when one of them disagrees with you in a public place. Their tendency towards violence during street demonstrations is legendary. These are the roots of fascist thinking.

to try to say that nobody but a liberal or progressive would ever think of shouting someone else down is not being honest, alv. we both know better. and about street violence being specific to liberal/progressive crowds??; dude, i grew up in the south during the civil rights era. when bussing was slated to begin, a bunch of men and women got together and set fire to a whole parking lot of busses over at southern high. cops show up. melee ensues. cop gets eye shot out when one of the rioters started using ball bearings with his handy hunting slingshot.

my mom was a teacher at a downtown vocational school at the time. she got death threats "fer teachin' them ni**ers". we got 'em at home.

since i'd already fallen in with the local freak brigade, i can testify that it wasn't us hippy types burnin' **** down and crippling that cop.

i don't think it's helpful for either side to use violence in a protest. but people get heated up.

Coupled with 'progressives' such as bi man, it's not hard to surmise that's it not going to be the left that's going to come to the rescue of the constitution...

i believe it will eventually be reclaimed by the moderates who see it as a document providing more freedom, not less.

i am very, very doubtful that it will be saved by the far right. or the far left.

but i think obama has already begun doing somethings to resurrect it.. we'll have to see.

right now? ehhh, at best we may have dodged a bullet.

Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2009 05:01 pm
yo bear,

i wasn't pretending to speak for you when i mentioned yer name in the previous post.

please carry on. i'm feeling a lot of love in this room... Smile
0 Replies
A Lone Voice
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 02:18 pm
We've had these discussions in the past if I recall, and if you remember, I lean libertarian on many issues. But I also realize the pendulum swings in American culture.

Those artists, gays, Hollywood, etc you mentioned as being oppressed? That is so 1960s. Just read People Magazine. These are the people being celebrated in our culture. In CA, it has become acceptable amongst progressive types for gay activists, for example, to trash Mormon churches or crash other church services (temples? not sure what they are called) in response to that church supporting an anti gay marriage proposition on the ballot. Other churches have also been targets; black churches, for some reason - who also supported the proposal - have been left alone. (As you recall, I also didn’t support it, but I don’t advocate violence or breaking the law if I don’t get my way.)

See, I don't think bi man is pulling my leg. There has been such hate on the part of the left, BDS, whathaveyou, that it has become ok in our culture to show that hate. Expected, even, among 'progressives.' So no, I don't think he would bat an eye to see Mormons, conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, or anyone else on the libs enemy hit list led away by a 'progressive' government.

Busing riots? So 1970s.

However, when do you see street violence in the last 20 years, since 1990 or so? Except for a stray abortion clinic nut here and there, it is just about always from the left.

As it will continue to be if things don't go there way.

Bi man is a wing nut. Sorry.
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 02:21 pm
@A Lone Voice,
By the way, Don't Tread on me( I like your libertarian name), I wonder if President Obama is outraged about the Millions that some of the Hollywood crowds makes. I know they are not under TARP,but do they really deserve 5, 10 , 15 million per picture for making such obvious crap?
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 03:59 pm
genoves wrote:

By the way, Don't Tread on me( I like your libertarian name), I wonder if President Obama is outraged about the Millions that some of the Hollywood crowds makes. I know they are not under TARP,but do they really deserve 5, 10 , 15 million per picture for making such obvious crap?

Obama is a liberal, which is the antithesis of being consistent.
Consistency with an original agreement is conservatism.
We can t expect much from him.

The libertarian answer qua Hollywood personalities,
is that thay will make what the traffic will bear; supply n demand.
Adam Smith n I can put up with that,
while shunning such art as we choose to avoid.

Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:08 pm
Dave, I agree that conservatives are consistent. But they are consistently wrong, vote consistently with the likes of Bush, et al.; care more for the rich than anyone else, etc.
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:13 pm
hollywood actors and entertainers are worth exactly what people are willing to pay them for what they do.Just like all american Pro athletes.

As for me being a wing nut Lone Voice, if by that you mean I don't give a **** about you or people like you or what happens to you one way or another.....I guess I'm a wing nut. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you...but I wouldn't do anything to save you either. rise or fall on your own bitch...isn't that what you conservative maverick types believe?
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:33 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:


hollywood actors and entertainers are worth exactly what people
are willing to pay them for what they do.Just like all american Pro athletes.

Indeed, that applies to every citizen who ventures into the market place.

0 Replies
A Lone Voice
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 04:54 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,

As for me being a wing nut Lone Voice, if by that you mean I don't give a **** about you or people like you or what happens to you one way or another.....I guess I'm a wing nut. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you...but I wouldn't do anything to save you either. rise or fall on your own bitch...isn't that what you conservative maverick types believe?

So, just to clarify...

DTOM thinks you're just fooling a bit; I believe you are speaking from the heart.

Which is it?

Let's extrapolate a bit, shall we?

People who share your beliefs, but let's say have even a bit more hatred for the right, are in office and claim power because of 'the crisis', be what it may. Martial law, whatever. (It was FDR, after all, who sent Japanese-Americans to internment camps, wasn't it?)

A bombing here, a bombing there, and then US citizens like me (who would never condone violence but are vocal in our beliefs) begin to disappear during nighttime arrests.

You would sit back, and yawn?

Far fetched? Heck yeah, it is. But anyway, it is something we should always be cognizant of, as my Jewish friends tell me.

Be it from the far right or the far left, it isn't something to yawn about. What is it about spoiled, soft, yuppie Americans that makes them believe bad things will never happen here?

If you are 'pissin' as DTOM says, I apologize. Immature way to grab attention, though.

If you are serious, it answers many questions I've had about 'progressives'.

Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:05 pm
Advocate wrote:

Dave, I agree that conservatives are consistent.
But they are consistently wrong, vote consistently with the likes of Bush, et al.;
care more for the rich than anyone else, etc.

Your interpretation is a little out-of-kilter with what I said,
and mixed with some ad hominem invective.

I use the word conservative as meaning non-deviant,
relevant to a pre-existing agreement. Politically,
that refers to the US Constitution. Liberalism refers to deviation
from something; for instance if someone claims to have a flush
with 4 spades n a club, he is taking a liberal vu of the rules of poker.
If his life is threatened by his intended victims,
he screeches the liberal motto: "that 's close enuf."
If he claims the same flush with 3 spades a club and a heart,
then he is being MORE liberal.
If he claims that flush with no cards at all,
then he is being radical.

I have always denied that the Bushes were conservatives.
I voted for them in an effort at damage control, to minimize the evil,
because the alternatives woud have been horribly worse.
I 'd have preferred a candidate with Barry Goldwater 's philosophy.

As to caring for the rich, please note that the Kennedys
were rich and I certainly held them in abhorence.
I am aversive to Mayor Bloomberg 's liberal ideology.
Is he rich ?
I joined in the creation of NY 's Conservative Party
in an effort to reject Nelson Rockefeller 's liberal ideology.
Was he rich ?

I care that the rich not get mugged by the poor,
who use government as a weapon, instead of a knife or gun.
I support laissez faire free enterprize.

0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 5 Feb, 2009 05:46 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:


As for me being a wing nut Lone Voice, if by that you mean I don't give a **** about you or people like you or what happens to you one way or another.....I guess I'm a wing nut. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you...but I wouldn't do anything to save you either. rise or fall on your own bitch...isn't that what you conservative maverick types believe?

So, just to clarify...

DTOM thinks you're just fooling a bit; I believe you are speaking from the heart.

Which is it?

Let's extrapolate a bit, shall we?

People who share your beliefs, but let's say have even a bit more hatred for the right, are in office and claim power because of 'the crisis', be what it may. Martial law, whatever. (It was FDR, after all, who sent Japanese-Americans to internment camps, wasn't it?)

A bombing here, a bombing there, and then US citizens like me (who would never condone violence but are vocal in our beliefs) begin to disappear during nighttime arrests.

You would sit back, and yawn?

Far fetched? Heck yeah, it is. But anyway, it is something we should always be cognizant of, as my Jewish friends tell me.

Be it from the far right or the far left, it isn't something to yawn about. What is it about spoiled, soft, yuppie Americans that makes them believe bad things will never happen here?

If you are 'pissin' as DTOM says, I apologize. Immature way to grab attention, though.

If you are serious, it answers many questions I've had about 'progressives'.


si if I'm serious...I'm an unfeeling monster.

If I'm farting around I'm not mature.

Why should I debate with you? I'm a loser either way according to you. So **** yourself.

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