Tue 20 Jan, 2009 06:25 pm
I expected to see him around here today and then I realized that I haven't seen him around for a long time.
Does anyone know where Snood went?
be replied on the Obama thread earlier... said he was proud to be American...if I recall correctly. Sorry -too tired to look for thread... he was here

Good to see.
Nite x
Oh thanks, Izzie.
I'm glad to know that Snood was here and had a chance to celebrate Obama's inaguration. I just realized that I hadn't seen him lately and was hoping all was well.
Thanks to you too, hawkeye.
I guess I just haven't crossed paths with him in a while.
Yep, he posted yersterday, boomerang.
Been to the movies.
(last post on the page)
Looks like we all posted at the same time. Now you're fully up to date, boomerang!
Nice to know ya care, boomer!! I think lately I just avoid drinking all the "haterade", so I just don't take as much of a part in the contentiousness....
But I'm always around.
I saw snood somewhere recently -- I just can't recall where.
right beside you, brother
<looks around -- still doesn't see him. Hears haunting voice, however>
Well hi there, Snood.
I read more than I post and I hadn't "read" you in a while. I knew this day was really special for you and thought I'd bump into you somewhere. I'm glad to know that everything is okay and I hope that this day was all you dreamed it would be.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:
<looks around -- still doesn't see him. Hears haunting voice, however>
Okay, now you're just being intentionally spooky. But more power to ya.