Setanta wrote:Anglican primate
Just a damn minute! I'm not accepting calculations from a talking primate!
And one in fancy, expensive robes, too!
By the way, i want to take this opportunity to observe that we are treating this thread with the gravitas it deserves . . .
Quote: He said that the other thing that dawned on him was that the stories he was hearing all seemed to involved moving villages to high ground or building stockades to keep dinosaurs from trampling villages, i.e. practical considerations, and not the sort of thing he'd expect to hear if the stories were made up, which would have sounded more like the Indian hero killing the monster with his spear.
For whatever reason all such dinosaurs in oral traditions appear to have been things like stegosaurs and tricerotops, and sauropods; raptors are not mentioned to my knowledge and I cannot picture humans surviving around raptors without automatic weapons. I'd assume that with very few if any exceptions, the raptors were gone by the time Amerind ancestors arrived on the scene.
. ALL dinosaurs were gone about 65 million yars before the humans arrived on scene of Americas. This has very strong evidence. Your stories from Vine Deloria, a total batshit ( even his son thought that ole Vine was a bit ccentric with his tales and beliefs)
Good strong evidence Gunga, thats what you need to hold. I have no idea how to convince you that science isnt a scam , but that your POV is.
Has anyone actually bothered to read the Doheny "Scientific" Expeditiion report? It's a waste of time, but it's really a hoot and a half. Read it, Farmer, you'll love it. Not only did they find pictographs of "dinosaurs", they found indisputable evidence (riiiight) of twenty to thirty foot tall Indians who inhabited the area, including "moccasin tracks" 20 inches long with a stride of five feet, and two "fossilized Indians" an estimated twenty feet tall, and a "megalithic fortress" with multi-ton blocks which they compared to classic Greek structures (sure looks like a natural sandstone formation to me, from their photographs). All that on one expedition!!!
And they buttress their conclusion with reference to James Churchward, one of the classic early twentieth-century loonies who proved to his satisfaction that there was a sunken continent, Lemuria, in the Pacific which was a rival to Atlantis in the Atlantic.
Read their conclusion too, least "scientific" thing I've ever read, they maintain their finds are true because of the god-given mystic spirit of man.
And by the way it has absolutely nothing to do with Harvard, except that Alfred Kidder apparently indexed it for the Peabody (now Tozzer) Library. If something dealt with Southwestern prehistory, he'd catalog it for reference, in case it came up again, no matter how off the wall it was. But the Doheny party's credentials were pretty thin on the ground.
If anybody actually reads that crap and then wants to defend it, we can go into more detail on it, and I WILL get around to some more detail on the Peabody fake file, Farmer.
I did read the "report" in Creationism.org and was rather underwhelmed. Is this the total content of the expedition report? If it is, its rather sad that anyone would use it as primary data for anything.
The ancient "fortress" is just a type of butte called a butte temoin and is a fully natural feature very common in the west.
I wish he would have posted a pic of the fossilized Indian Maiden and her baby. It looks like that these guys may have hit on and scored a major stash of peyote and decided to write the report under its influence.
Certainly not rising up to waht we call objective evidence.
You're claiming that the Harvard/Peabody Museum of American Ethnology is a bunch of bullshit, right?
Hey there . Since youve got everyone except me on ignore, I have to act as a go-between. Someone who youve put on ignore has done work at Peabody Harvard and stated that the Doheney expedition was not associated with Harvard at all. I have no idea , Ive never heard of the report in the first place as its not exactly what Id call loaded wioth scientific data. Its someones summer vacation report. SInce its done by some Creationist organization to display the work of a self proclaimed Creationist "scientist" , I do think that the author is shoveling bullshit, now that you mention it.
First I ever saw of the thing was many moons ago in the pre internet age; I was looking at a photostated copy and it did say Peabody Museum of American Ethnology on it.
Yeah, it was just a library accession note. Someone sent it to the library, they indexed it. Libraries hold the loony stuff for a field, in case someone needs to reference it, as well as the stuff that actually has some scientific merit. And this is definitely in the crank archaeology part of the field. Got nothing to do with the Peabody other than that.
He's accelerating his virtual agoraphobia. He started a thread, Steve (the one from England) dropped in to observe that his source was a trash newspaper, and Gunga put him on ignore, and announced it. Pretty soon, you'll be the only one talking to him. Oh, you lucky boy!
The actual Doheny sponsors were listed as the Burbank Museum and the AUthor hisself. I didnt see anything about the PEabody. PS Is the PEabody Nat History museum at YAle part of the same Chain?
Set, I think I will put myself on ignore and be done with it.
Setanta wrote:He's accelerating his virtual agoraphobia. He started a thread, Steve (the one from England) dropped in to observe that his source was a trash newspaper, and Gunga put him on ignore, and announced it. Pretty soon, you'll be the only one talking to him. Oh, you lucky boy!
It appears that I somehow fell OFF of Gunga's ignore list. He was [pretending] to ignore me for months, and then just recently he replied to something I wrote. So even if FM acquires ignore status, it may not be permanent. Oh well.
We need to ressurect this thread to show the readers that our gunga, though a bit deranged, is like my nutsy old drunken uncle Stosh who is always listening to the walls for North Korean enemy signals.
Great. Now I've got that song rattling around in my head and I can't get it out. Curse you FM.
I once had "Pineapple Princess" stuck in my head. It was frightening.
farmerman wrote:I once had "Pineapple Princess" stuck in my head. It was frightening.
I don't know what that is. I don't want to know. I can't hear you, I can't hear you...
Does anyone have a copy of "The message of the Engraved Stones of Ica" written by Dr. Javier Cabrera Darquea (in english) they want to sell? If you do please send info to me at
[email protected]