you confuse evidence with convictions there gunga. So far youve asserted from convictions not evidence. You have no evidence. The standard age of the earth in 1962 was not 4.55 BY. The age of dinosaurs was not as we express it today.
However, showing men and dinosaurs TOGETHER, was something that was already on the palette of Creation"Science", and thats the point isnt it?. The actual geologic age is immaterial to your point becuase you deny the standard age model anyway. Or do you now accept an old earth with humans and dinosaurs throughout? You have to keep changing your story when you dont have any facts on your side. All I have to do is parrot facts.
Since George Macready Price and HEnry Morris both published on behalf of Creationism, there has been a Creationiost mantra of several ridiculous points including a belief that dinosaurs were part of a world they shared with humans and that this world was less than 10000 years old .They also asserted that all fossils were merely "flood deposits".
When you get around to actually showing some evidence other than making your same tired points over and over, please step up.
Why doesnt the fossil record show the same information as these Ica Stones? Maybe Senor Uchuya can shed some light.