Mame wrote:
And I'll add to this, Montana... you know some of us better than you know FOW, yet you're willing to disregard all the A2K-ers who care about you and who know you better than FOW does.
Disregard what Mame? Your advice? So far FOW has treated me better than you have, so what's your point?
Mame wrote: You say you're not gullible and naive. I beg to differ. You are... both. And you're also an emotional person. For example, I didn't fall for or cry at his/her stories, and I'm sure others didn't, too, but YOU did. Figure THAT one out.
Easy, you're not me! Here's the gullible and naive crap that makes my pressure rise! I'm still trying to figure out how pissing me off would help me? You know this pisses me off because I've told you more than once that it does, yet the more I say it, the more some of you do it. What up with that?
Mame wrote: No wonder people here are trying to protect you - have you figured THAT out yet?
I managed to survive 45 years without your protection, so I would imagine by now that this means I know how to protect myself. Obviously, you haven't figured that out yet.
Mame wrote: The first rule in dating someone is to introduce them to your friends, who have NO vested interest. Well, that's basically what's happened here. And your A2K friends are all warning you. Why are you not listening? Is it because you're gullible? Maybe. Naive? Maybe. Why are you so upset that people would care enough to "interfere"? Think about THAT for a bit, why don't you?
I never had rules in dating, I didn't date. I either clicked with a guy or not and we ended up together. No rules and simple as that.
My friends never interfered in my relationships, ever!
I'm not listening because I have a mind of my own and you don't have permission to think for me.
I'm upset because some people didn't care enough to not interfere! Think about THAT for a bit, why don't you?
Mame wrote: Sort this out yourself, by all means, and I am not giving you any advice other than that. But don't expect to display all this stuff on a public forum and not get feedback. Why don't the two of you get a room in a private email place that only the two of you are privy to? Then you won't be judged or supported and you can make your moves or mistakes in private.

You sound like my son. He was buggin me one day and wouldn't stop, so I said "do I have to leave the house for you to stop tormenting me" and he said "yes"