Montana .... don't change who you are. It's obvious that some on here, would have handled things a little differently. But that's just it. We are all different in our actions and observations. Also, in the way we inject our thoughts onto others.
But ya know......the only thing that
really matters is that you followed your heart. You stood up for someone. It doesn't matter one iota if they deserved it or not. Your heart said they did.
Just reach inside yourself and hang onto what matters......because again...the rest is just so small in comparison. And it's not worth the pain.
I, too, thought you were a little harsh Mame. There are softer ways of getting a point across. Especially when dealing with the soft-hearted. Sometimes, it's better to be silent, if you are going to come across mean spirited. That does not help at all. Really. Then, again ... sometimes written words can be felt in a harsher manner than they were intended. I will give you that.
(((( Montana )))) ..... have a beer. Roll all this bull crap off your shoulders, if ya can. If not......have another beer!

Tommorow's a new day.