It's all too hard to meet: good people missed. On the right of the atlantic, kitchen pete, vincent (posted here once), touissaint (sp?), mistral - who posted here not many times, but always an interesting comment - the man walked italy up and down on foot and had knowledgeable observations. At least I think that was on a2k.
There have been many posters without big numbers much less many accolades who have contributed incisive posts - that I'd have liked to have coffee with. I'm sure I'll remember more with some more time. (I didn't mention PaolaL, a very attentive a2ker, who didn't like a2k in its early stages and didn't live past those years - but we did have coffee, and lunch.)
Others I would have liked to have met, early on. Fealola.
Hell, I'd still like to meet Debacle.