Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

Fri 3 Jan, 2014 11:38 am
I just perused the article link; it was too long, and I'd lose face to give you more of my time. Apparently, there was a common antipathy towards the British, with the Irish, and their problems with the British in the Irish homeland. I think you cannot see that wherever Britain goes there are problems. The Zionists did not dislike Britain per se; they just wanted to allow the Holocaust survivors to go to the Holy Land. The British did not want to alienate the Arabs and their oil.

In other words, the British were sticking their Anglo-Saxon noses where they did not belong in the 20th century, in my opinion. Not condoning any violence, I can only comment that Brits act so surprised, and self-righteous when other people want them to return to their island nation.

You might need to get more humility to really understand history, from another's viewpoint.

If you are doing the Jewish Mother Guilt Trip with me, as I've told you before, I only lament the loss of American lives. Brits are not American. I have tried to feel something for foreigners, but I really don't. It is a large planet, and I can only muster concern for fellow Americans. Maybe all North Americans, but certainly not people across the pond, even if we speak English also, or some facsimile of it. I stand corrected, I would feel compassion for any tragedy that befell the Irish. They have done more to make NYC what it is than any other ethnicity. And from my watching Ballykissangel, they are not the least pompous, arrogant pricks like (choose a western/eastern European country).
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 11:41 am
Did you miss this, Foof?

Foofie, see

Fri 3 Jan, 2014 11:45 am
Miller, see

0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 11:47 am
Miller wrote:

Foofie wrote:

WASP's having more clout in America than other ethnicities.

Who were the "WASPS", who voted for B. Obama in his elections for the presidency?

Don't ask me oblique questions that you don't identify what the purpose is for that question. Let's not play games; my time is not your time.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 11:48 am
JTT wrote:

Did you miss this, Foof?

Foofie, see


Please stop acting didactic, and assigning reading to me, unless you tell me why and what it is about.
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 11:51 am
It will edify you, Foofie.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 12:03 pm
Foofie wrote:
Well, in medieval Europe, Jews belonged to the King.
You keep on saying although the facts are quite different:

a) you don't name the kingdom (Ireland alone had had more than 30 kingdoms in medieval times),
b) since medieval times stretched over 1,000 years, you better narrow the period as well.

Here, in Saxony, Jews were taken under a similar protection as the Roman Emperor Vespasian did with Joseph ben Matityahu (better known as Titus Flavius Josephus ).
They shouldn't live according to the laws of the Sachsenspiegel but under Imperial law (similar like in Roman times to the Codex Justinanius).

Thus, they didn't have the same rights as others.

Later, there had been divergent opinions by various legal persons, if Jewish possession was owned by the sovereign [and that could be an earl, duke, prince, bishop ....] or eventually even his body ("summa confessorum").
The were seen as "servi" (due to the original sin etc) and thus not allowed to have possessions. This was compensated in so far, as they got the privilege to land money.
The extraordinary protection under Imperial law was re-newed by emperor Frederic II in 1236 - opposite to the centuries before, from now onwards all Jews were under the special protection of the emperor (before, they had had to be named).

All that changed from early modern times onwards ...
0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 12:21 pm
You're a fine one to talk about humility, not once have you tried to see something from another's viewpoint. You're a smug bigot who has no regard for the lives of anyone outside America or Israel.

You've got absolutely nothing of any worth to say. That's probably why you're a sad, childless, friendless Emmet.
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 12:25 pm
Foofie wrote:
Have you ever had any Jewish friends?

Have you ever had any friends?
0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 12:37 pm
Izzytheliar: You're a fine one to talk about humility, not once have you tried to see something from another's viewpoint. You're a smug bigot who has no regard for the lives of anyone outside America or Israel.


Right after Izzy spreads vicious lies about BillRM, with no apologies, he has the temerity to talk about humility.

You can run and you can sit in your smelly little ignore hole, Iz, but you can't hide.

0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 12:48 pm
Izzy is the worst piece of trash (or excrement) I have seen on this forum. It was a sad day in which he began to comment.
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 01:33 pm
Well, he's at least got some stiff competition, A.

Here's where he starts his phantasmagorical spree of lies and deception. About the middle of the page. Then Firefly joins in with Izzy and the two have a joyous lie fest for a good number of pages.

Fri 3 Jan, 2014 02:16 pm
Coming from the toerag who spends all his time sticking his tongue up Pamela Rosa's arse I take that as a compliment.

Have you see a counsellor about your faecophilia?
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 04:47 pm
More of Izzy's facts. Sad

You should PM these to your daughter, or your boy, Iz.
0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 08:00 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Coming from the toerag who spends all his time sticking his tongue up Pamela Rosa's arse I take that as a compliment.

Have you see a counsellor about your faecophilia?

Wow, you are truly half of a wit. I see you are still wallowing in excrement.
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 08:01 pm
Hear, hear!!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 09:22 pm
Foofie wrote:

InfraBlue wrote:

Foofie wrote:
I was talking about the anti-Semitic propaganda that Jews are a "nation within a nation." Only with that fertile soil of anti-Semitism could result in a Nazi party growing so robustly, in my opinion.

That Jews are a nation unto themselves is fundamental Zionist ideology. That's why they believe that they deserve a nation of their own, because they are not Germans, they are not Poles, they are not Americans, etc. It's ironic that you refer to it as anti-Semitic.

Well, in medieval Europe, Jews belonged to the King. And in Russia, to the Czar.

And serfs belonged to their Lords of the Manors. This, however, is irrelevant to the fact that the idea that Jews are "a nation within a nation" is basic to Zionist ideology and that you contradict yourself when you refer to it as "anti-Semitic."

I hope many people read your post above, since many American Jews only feel American. Like other people in the U.S. they do not want harm to come to their respective ethnicity in their respective historical homeland. Sort of like why America protected Britain in WWII, WASP's having more clout in America than other ethnicities.

This is also an irrelevant red-herring in regard to the charge that the idea that Jews are "a nation within a nation" is anti-Semitic.

If Zionism thinks of Jews as a nation unto themselves, that is not subscribed to by every Jew worldwide. Sort of like many Catholics practice birth control, or don't go to Mass on Sunday. You are making the mistake to assuming that all Jews mark lockstep with the religion, as it evolves.

I am making no such assumption. You, on the other hand, are making the mistake of assuming that I've assumed that "all Jews mark lockstep with the religion, yadda, yadda, yadda..." You're letting your paranoid, persecution complex get the better of you. Get help.

My only interest is what made you have such strong opinions about Jews? It really is an archaic obsession, in these days of bigger fish to fry, so to speak?
Have you ever had any Jewish friends?

That the idea that Jews "are a nation within a nation" is basic to Zionist ideology has nothing to do with "strong opinions." It is a statement of fact pure and simple. My concern is for the plight of the Palestinian peoples and Zionism is the driving force behind their oppression.

Whether I've had any Jewish friends is irrelevant and merely another red-herring to deflect the fact that you contradict yourself when you label the idea that Jews "are a nation within a nation" as being "anti-Semitic."

P.S.: In the Idiot's Guide to Catholicism (the Idiot series with many subject titles) it is emphasized that Catholicism is "trible." That sounds sort of exclusive!

Tiresomely, this as well is another red-herring of yours that has nothing to do with the fact that you contradict yourself in smearing Zionist ideology as "anti-Semitic."
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 09:28 pm
Don't be so hard on him, Infra. He is, after all, Foofie.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 09:42 pm
BRAVO! Your challenges to Foofie's opinions are spot on! Nothing but red herrings. Diversion is the best defense, but they're caught red-handed every time! LOL
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 09:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Have you noticed that when one scores with facts on our conservative "friends" they come back with your too stupid to respond too?

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