Can you look at this map and say Israel does not systemically appropriate land?

cicerone imposter
Fri 3 Jan, 2014 10:07 pm
Yea, that seems to be their only rebuttal. Only proves they can't answer the question. Some of them also expects us to answer their negative question; e.g. "prove there is no god?"

I'm sure the smarter folks are clued into these yokels who are clueless and really don't have much 'learn'n.'
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 03:10 am
That's another cliché from someone with no imagination. You were obviously potty trained too early, although in fairness most people are out of nappies by the time they start high school.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 07:56 am
I've just finished watching Simon Schama's brilliant The Story Of The Jews, which I taped. Schama is a Zionist, but is very upset about the direction of modern Israel. In the last episode he listened patiently to a leader of the settler movement then told the audience why his disagreed with everything he said. A great mind, and a great academic. It's available on Amazon, but I've not posted a link because I don't want to be accused of spamming. Here's a link to his review in The Observer instead.

Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 08:11 am
Link to the review in Haaretz

[... ... ...] Throughout the series, there is a constant feeling that whenever the Jews have found sanctuary and set down roots anywhere in the world, doom and destruction is waiting just around the corner. Countering this, Schama tries to let in as much light as possible. Glorious illuminated biblical manuscripts, ornate synagogues, music, art and the cross-fertilization of Jewish and Gentile culture.

“I try to give a sense of a flourishing of the Jews,” he explains. “One mustn’t read just the story of the Christian Middle Ages, but also periods breathing space and light, different relationships with surrounding cultures, especially in the Muslim countries.”

Schama realizes that some parts of the series may seem like a lecture against Jewish assimilation. “I was trying hard not to say that assimilation doesn’t work. But what hit the Jews in those parts [Germany and France] was that you have to hitch your wagon to the most radical modernity, to the gymnasium and the lycee. But what happens when modernity becomes the enemy and is replaced by mystical Teutonism? You are screwed.”
[... ... ...]
Schama has chosen America as his home, and he is unstinting in his praise of it. “America has been the one huge success for Jewish life. It is the place where you can hyphenate American and Jewish and it is never problematic. America achieves its modernization through constantly replenishing its immigrant population. That’s the nature of American innovation, and it makes it very difficult for there to be an exclusive ethnic center against which one people would be regarded as outsiders.”

His relationship with Israel is more conflicted. He clings fast to the “Zionism of the only possible refuge, in the place where our cultural identity was undoubtedly formed.” He chooses the Jewish statehood of Herzl and Chaim Weizmann over the “Brit Shalom” Jewish-Arab, one-state utopia of Martin Buber. Today he calls himself “a two-state Zionist,” presenting on the screen the visions of a settler yearning for a Land of Israel reaching to the Euphrates and the liberal-Zionism of David Grossman. It is clear where he stands when he criticizes Israel’s current policies as not always adhering to the biblical injunction, “and you shall choose life.”

Of the perspective of Benjamin Netanyahu, based on the beliefs of his late father, Benzion, the historian of the Golden Age of Spanish Jewry − who believed that there was an inherent connection between the expulsion of 1492 and the Holocaust 450 years later − he says that “there are awful moments in our history that are awful in their own particular way. But Nazi persecution was not dominated by Catholicism, and when you are in the grip of believing that there is a template of persecution, it’s an awful obstacle to pragmatic thought. To me it’s profoundly unhistorical. It’s oracular and prophetic and gets in the way of rational thinking. A statesman must adapt and have free agency not dictated by history.”
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 08:29 am
@Walter Hinteler,
And, how many Americans resent the success of Jews in America? Lots!

Like I said, very few of the moderately educated Gentiles have any Jewish friends. Inter-faith friendships usually only exist between the higher educated. When there is a Jew in a working class situation, and he/she has a Gentile friend, it is often, in my opinion, a friendship that doesn't extend beyond only a few individuals. Most Gentiles, in my opinion, consider Jews "different," and have no desire to explore a friendship that may have some potential obstacles, not to mention the potential for alienating other Gentiles.

Also, Jews in America, due to America's freedoms and opportunities, have adopted an upwardly mobile vision of their family's life. So children are expected to go to college, or some type of vocational training. And, only amongst the upwardly mobile, in my opinion, do Jews not pose a perceived threat, eliciting resentment.

In the way of analogy, did those ex-WWI soldiers, that were attracted to the Nazi party, in the Weimar Republic, have many Jewish friends? See my point? There is a large underclass, or marginal class, that cannot relate postively, let alone benignly, to Jews and their industrious habits.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 09:45 am
I saw this on another thread, and it immediately reminded me of Walter Hitler.

" The motive behind criticism often determines it's validity. Those who care criticize when necessary. Those who envy criticize the moment they think they have found a weak spot."

Criss Jami
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 09:52 am
Advocate wrote:
I saw this on another thread, and it immediately reminded me of Walter Hitler.
My family name has changed over the years: from "Henthlere" in 1286 over "Hinthlare" to "Schulte Hinteler" in late medieval times/early modern times to "Hinteler" in the last two centuries.
The old Saxon meaning is: "the person who built a home on an open area within a woodland where a female deer comes out" or short: 'behind the fields'.

My aunt emigrated to Austria in 1945. That's the only connection of my family to Austria.

Besides that, I'm not a fan of Kant either.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 10:23 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
My family name has changed over the years: from "Henthlere" in 1286 over "Hinthlare" to "Schulte Hinteler" in late medieval times/early modern times to "Hinteler" in the last two centuries.
Mixed that up, sorry.
The source book of the state archive says "1287". The farm in that source (no 243, state archive, Westphalian department, territories section) is written "Hentlare", owned by " Dithmar von Hinthlere".
(However, in sources of the following centuries, those two names were used alternatively, as in the 14th and 15th century. - At least from 1572 [source no. 6501, Haus Geist] onwards, the name was either "Schulte Hinteler" or "Hinteler"
Walter Hinteler
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 10:31 am
@Walter Hinteler,
And if you're looking for other cheap name jokes, Advocate: I'm baptised as "Walter Maria Hinteler" ....
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 10:48 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I saw this, and it reminded me of Advocate.

Sat 4 Jan, 2014 11:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
CI: BRAVO! ... . Diversion is the best defense, but they're caught red-handed every time! LOL

While that is true, CI, it is also terribly hypocritical of you. All your A2K associates are professionals at diversions and red herrings. I realize that it is impossible to speak as an American without being hypocritical unless of course you opt for honesty. That too seems to elude the vast majority of you.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 11:34 am
Have you noticed that you too are very hypocritical, Rabel?
0 Replies
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 11:40 am
@cicerone imposter,
CI, why do you go on and on about Israel to the exclusion of the much much much greater source of death and destruction, the good ole USA?

It's amazing!

And Rabel and IzzytheLiar too.
0 Replies
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 11:43 am
Like ignorant hits who regularly concoct lies about folks, izzy. Is that what you mean?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 03:17 pm
From Yahoo news.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday cited progress on the Mideast peace process, yet acknowledged that some of the most intractable disputes between Israelis and Palestinians were unsolved after more than 20 rounds of negotiations.

I doubt very much Kerry understands what "progress" is when dealing with the Jews in Israel. The history speaks for itself; it's always one step forward, and five steps backward. There's no way the Jews are going to vacate the settlements in a trade for an independent state of Palestine. NEVER HOPPEN!

Sat 4 Jan, 2014 06:25 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
What makes you think I was referring to you?
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 06:27 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Coming from the toerag who spends all his time sticking his tongue up Pamela Rosa's arse I take that as a compliment.

Have you see a counsellor about your faecophilia?

This is one of the ugliest posts I have ever seen. You must have been raised in a sewer.
Sat 4 Jan, 2014 06:33 pm
Stop salivating.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 5 Jan, 2014 01:04 am
Advocate wrote:

What makes you think I was referring to you?
Advocate wrote:
I saw this on another thread, and it immediately reminded me of Walter Hitler.
cicerone imposter
Sun 5 Jan, 2014 11:48 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Heard Netanyahu on the radio this morning on my way for coffee. He said the US and Israel is ready for piece, but the Palestinians are not.

The best defense is an offense; Netanyahu knows the game very well. We want a piece of that land, and a piece of this land.....

So the gamesmanship continues until Israel takes over Israel = 100%! Not until then will piece be found in Israel.

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