@Arella Mae,
It's possible, but I don't think it's probable.
We can hope though.
It took a while and a strange twist to get OJ, but in the end he got a 30+ year sentence. The earliest he will get out is 2018.
It's pure speculation at this point, but one could make an argument that Judge Perry didn't like Jose Baez, didn't like the defense's case, didn't like Casey Anthony or any combination of the three.
It would be ironic, but his (seeming) favoring of the prosecution over the defense could have ticked the jury off, and influenced their decision.
It will depend upon if and how strongly he believes Casey murdered her child, and whether or not he is willing to impose his own sense of justice over the jury's. Possible, but not probable, yet with this case who can predict anything?
I think he was angered not only by the Defense's obvious tactic to just throw a bunch of crap on the wall and see what stuck, but with how Casey's undeniable lying affected the investigation of her daughter's death.
Sentencing is this week so we won't have long to wait.
No matter how you look at it Caylee has not received justice. Clearly, she is gone from this world and I think it would be absurd to believe that she is looking down on these proceedings and hoping her murderer was punished, but the rest of us stand in her shoes and the shoes of every other murder victim. If justice is not served in the death of Caylee Anthony, then we all suffer.